Full-Time Faculty
Image: Dr. Melinda Adams

Melinda Adams

Professor of Political Science; Associate Dean, College of Arts & Letters

Image: Dr. Jessica Adolino

Jessica Adolino

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Robert Alexander

Robert Alexander

Associate Professor of Political Science; Internship Coordinator; Co-Director MPA Program

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Bethany Blackstone

Professor of Political Science; Dean, Honors College

Image: Dr. Charles H. Blake

Charles Blake

Professor of Political Science; Executive Director, M.A. in Political Science

Image: Dr. Andreas Broscheid

Andreas Broscheid

Professor of Political Science

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Jennifer Byrne

Professor of Political Science

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DeAnne Chenoweth

Instructor, Political Science

Image: Marty Cohen

Martin Cohen

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Kerry F. Crawford

Kerry Crawford

Professor of Political Science; Department Chair

Image: Dr. Kathleen Ferraiolo

Kathleen Ferraiolo

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Abe Goldberg

Abe Goldberg

Associate Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Keith A. Grant

Keith Grant

Associate Professor of Political Science; Coodinator, International Affairs Major

Image: Dr. Scott J. Hammond

Scott Hammond

Professor of Political Science; Coordinator, Political Science Major

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Joel Hensley

Instructor of Political Science

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John Hulsey

Professor of Political Science; Assistant Department Chair

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Manal Jamal

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. David A. Jones

David Jones

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Bernd Kaussler

Bernd Kaussler

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Jonathan W. Keller

Jonathan Keller

Professor of Political Science

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Timothy LaPira

Professor of Political Science; Coordinator, Government Relations Certificate

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Hak-Seon Lee

Professor of Political Science

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Robin Leiter-White

Lecturer, Political Science

Image: Dr. Howard L. Lubert

Howard Lubert

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Fred Mayhew

Fred Mayhew

Associate Professor of Political Science

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Sombo Muzata

Assistant Professor of Political Science; Co-Director MPA Program

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Elizabeth Oldmixon

Professor of Political Science; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Curriculum

Image: Dr. Liliokanaio Peaslee

Liliokanaio Peaslee

Professor of Political Science

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Christopher Price

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Robert N. Roberts

Robert Roberts

Professor of Political Science; Coordinator Public Administration Major

Image: Dr. Kenneth R. Rutherford

Kenneth Rutherford

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. John Scherpereel

John Scherpereel

Professor of Political Science; Coordinator, Modern European Studies Minor

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Valerie Sulfaro

Professor of Political Science; Coordinator, Political Communication Minor

Image: Dr. Nicholas Swartz

Nicholas Swartz

Associate Professor of Political Science; Associate Dean, School of Professional & Continuing Education

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Jaimee Swift

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Jennifer A. Taylor

Jennifer Taylor

Associate Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Amanda Teye

Amanda Teye

Professor of Political Science

Image: Dr. Kristin Wylie

Kristin Wylie

Associate Professor of Political Science; Honors Coordinator

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Yi Edward Yang

Professor of Political Science; Director, Washington Semester Program

Part-Time Faculty
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Lynne Weikart

Practitioner-in-Residence, MPA Program

Emeriti Faculty and Staff
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Michelle Krone

Administrative Coordinator

Image: Lindsay Whitesell: Academic Coordinator

Lindsay Whitesell

Academic Coordinator

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