June 10, 2024
IIHHS organizations collaborate on pediatric brain injury training and education
December 11, 2017: Crossroads to Brain Injury Recovery and the Training and Technical Assistance Center )co-hosted the Pediatric Brain Injury Education and Training workshop.
#CHBSChats with Amanda Thompson
December 7, 2017: #CHBSChats with Amanda Thompson (Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
Student completes adaptive sports internship
December 4, 2017: When senior Carly McBain began searching for her exercise science internship the summer after her sophomore year, she knew that she wanted to push beyond her comfort zone to develop professionally and interpersonally.
Women gain strength at MBC event
December 4, 2017: Sunday brunch became an athletic affair at the Morrison Bruce Center's third Barbells and Brunch event. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about proper weightlifting techniques and experiment with nutrition.
Ed McKee leads drum circles for youth and seniors
December 4, 2017: Ed McKee, faculty emeritus, has been at JMU for 45 years and recently found a new passion for drumming. Now, in addition to teaching, he leads drum circles at two senior facilities
Occupational therapy students make fleece baby blankets for local hospital
November 29, 2017: What better way to give thanks to a local hospital in this time of giving by making a fleece baby blanket?
#CHBSChats with Pamela Molnar
November 29, 2017: #CHBSChats with Pamela Molnar (CSD) - Our series of informal chats with students
CHBS programs nationally recognized for engagement
November 28, 2017: The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) recently recognized JMU nursing and social work for exemplary civic education within their respective programs.
Groundbreaking suicide research
November 28, 2017: Three JMU researchers have launched a groundbreaking study that will look at suicidality from a new perspective, extending limited literature on the topic and reducing stigma in the process.
Psychology student wins research award
November 28, 2017: Senior psychology major Amanda Powell not only attended the Society for Police & Criminal Psychology conference in September, she walked away with the Michael Serafino award for best undergraduate poster
CHBS values collaboration
November 27, 2017: Social work and nursing students work together to solve healthcare problems
JMU faculty participate in summit on high school psychology education
November 27, 2017: Psychology professors Suzanne Baker and Krisztina Jakobsen were among 70 high school, community college, and undergraduate psychology teachers selected to participate in the APA Summit on High School Psychology Education
#CHBSChats with Zach Rich
November 14, 2017: #CHBSChats with Zach Rich (Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
#CHBSChats with Ashley Rininger
November 6, 2017: #CHBSChats with Ashley Rininger (Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
OT students attend statewide conference
November 3, 2017: JMU's occupational therapy students presented research at the 2017 VOTA conference.
#CHBSChats with Alexa Karkhanis
October 31, 2017: #CHBSChats with Alexa Karkhanis (Health Services Administration) - Our series of informal chats with students
Sarah Blackstone joins health sciences
October 31, 2017: Sarah Blackstone is beginning her time at JMU as a professor of health sciences specializing in chronic disease and disability and infectious diseases.
Former UHC health education coordinator, Lesley Eicher joins health sciences faculty
October 31, 2017: While she is new as full time faculty to the health sciences department, Lesley Eicher has performed numerous roles at JMU.
Aimee Johnson brings a focus on research methods to health sciences department
October 31, 2017: A high school anatomy class inspired a lifelong passion for health
#CHBSChats with Alec Sliman
October 26, 2017: #CHBSChats with Alec Sliman (Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
JMU hosts conference on opioids
October 25, 2017: The JMU physician assistant program hosted a one-day conference on the opioid epidemic on October 21, 2017.
Kinesiology senior studies healthcare in Spain
October 23, 2017: Amanda Reeder coordinated her own individualized program in Valencia, Spain which fulfilled the four credit, 160-hour internship requirement for her major.
Junior kinesiology major interns as athletic performance coach
October 20, 2017: After being accepted to JMU, McQuillan found his niche as a kinesiology major who hoped to become a physical therapist one day, but his interest in athletic strength and conditioning never faded.
Hillcrest Scholar does research at the U.S. Soccer Development Academy
October 19, 2017: Junior psychology major Matthew Best joined the largest U.S.-based psychology research team ever assembled to study the mental traits and personality characteristics of the nation's most elite soccer players.
Mediterranean island provides healthcare perspective
October 13, 2017: During the summer study abroad term, nursing and health sciences students witnessed the island's nurturing atmosphere firsthand as they gained an international healthcare perspective
Julie Sanford receives FAAN designation
October 13, 2017: Julie Sanford, Director of JMU's School of Nursing, has been named a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
#CHBSChats with Katie Lynch
October 12, 2017: #CHBSChats with Katie Lynch (Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
Viewpoints on Health 2017
October 12, 2017: Viewpoints on Health will be held on November 1, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in HBS 5040
Nursing students and faculty travel to Japan for patient safety workshop
October 11, 2017: In August 2017, nursing students, Brooke Thompson and Rachael Vono, attended a patient safety workshop in Hiroshima, Japan led by JMU faculty Julie Sanford, Christine Argenbright and others.
CCN empowers caregivers and students
October 5, 2017: The aging population is expected to skyrocket through 2030. Students are working with the Caregivers Community Network to accommodate the needs of this growing population
#CHBSChats with Caroline Whitlow
October 5, 2017: #CHBSChats with Caroline Whitlow (Social Work) - Our series of informal chats with students
Psychology alumni serve with AmeriCorps
October 2, 2017: Two psychology alumni solidified their ambitions to serve communities in need after graduation, landing positions with AmeriCorps.
An immersive experience for kinesiology students
October 1, 2017: The purpose of the trip is to study the impact of altitude on exercise, but participants gain additional rewards that result from learning in the field and sharing time together outdoors.
Nursing students work in Tanzania
September 29, 2017: Last summer, nursing students studied abroad in Tanzania, an East African country known for its safaris, the Serengeti and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Kay Harrison joins CHBS faculty
September 28, 2017: Health services administration professor Katherine "Kay" Harrison went to her first hospital board meeting before graduating elementary school.
#CHBSChats with Kaitie Mast
September 28, 2017: #CHBSChats with Kaitie Mast (Athletic Training) - Our series of informal chats with students
Hannah Floyd gets real world experience during Johns Hopkins internship
September 28, 2017: Floyd spent last summer as an intern for the School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University to fulfill a requirement for her concentration in public health.
Xiaohui You brings interdisciplinary background to CHBS
September 25, 2017: An interdisciplinary background paved the way for You to pursue research in fields relevant to both health and economics.
Conference on Opioids
September 8, 2017: The JMU Physician Assistant Program has been awarded a federal grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration to hold a one-day conference on the nationwide opiate epidemic.
Children's disaster related activity book released
September 6, 2017: Anne Stewart and Danielle Budash, working with a disaster preparedness agency, the Shenandoah Valley Project Impact, helped create disaster-related education material for children in response to Hurricane Katrina
HSA program wins 2017 ACHE Higher Education Network Award
August 23, 2017: The JMU health services administration program won the 2017 Higher Education Network Award given by the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
Natalie Birkelien places first in ACHE management essay competition
August 23, 2017: Congratulations to Natalie Birkelien for being selected as the first place winner in the 2017 Richard J. Stull Student Essay Competition in Healthcare Management sponsored by ACHE.
Jon Thompson, HSA program director and professor, retires
August 23, 2017: After 22 years leading the Health Service Administration Program, Jon Thompson is leaving JMU at the end of August 2017.
Maiewski named Humanitarian of the Year by the VAPA
July 26, 2017: Professor Sharon Maiewski was honored as Humanitarian of the Year by Virginia Academy of Physician Assistants
Gus Bus & BRAFB neighborhood markets
July 11, 2017: During the week of June 19th-22nd, 2017, the BRAFB brought fresh produce to three different Gus Bus neighborhoods each night.
Learning By Giving at JMU
May 30, 2017: The Learning By Giving Foundation was created by Doris Buffett to provide a platform for students to become thoughtful and effective givers.
Award winning student research at VAPS conference
May 26, 2017: This past April undergraduate research teams from Psychology research laboratories traveled to Norfolk, VA to share their work at the Virginia Association for Psychological Science (VAPS) annual conference.
Challace J. McMillin Center 2017 Coaching Clinic
May 25, 2017: The Challace J. McMillin Center for Sport hosted a free coaching clinic open to youth, high school and collegiate coaches.
Students help with school health fair
May 16, 2017: This semester, students from the occupational therapy (OT), physician assistant (PA), dietetics, nursing and cognitive psychology programs helped host the Stone Spring Elementary Health and Wellness Fair.
Learn more about the Au.D. program at JMU
May 15, 2017: Audiology students and faculty share their experiences in the program at JMU
Curious about the CSD Ph.D. program?
May 15, 2017: Learn more about the Ph.D. program in communications sciences and disorders from faculty and students.
Students talk about the undergrad program in CSD
May 9, 2017: See what current students and faculty have to say about their experiences in CSD.
Explore the MS in speech-language pathology program
May 9, 2017: Learn more about the MS-SLP program from current students and faculty.
Nursing simulation labs tour
May 4, 2017: Simulations provide valuable training to our students in a low risk environment giving our graduates a competitive edge in their future careers. Learn more about the simulation labs
Graduate psychology professor awarded Fulbright
May 2, 2017: Trevor Stokes is the third College of Health and Behavioral Studies (CHBS) faculty member to be awarded a Fulbright Scholarship this year.
Campus Camp for Children
May 1, 2017: In 2006, senior psychology student Angie Fusco approached JMU psychology professor Bill Evans, about forming a grief camp for local children. Together, they worked to form the Campus Camp
JMU graduates develop MyTime app to serve caregivers
April 28, 2017: After winning $10,000 from a Hack event to develop technology that will improve the health of caregivers, a team of JMU graduates comes closer to finishing their app, MyTime.
Social work celebration
April 28, 2017: The annual Social Work Celebration brings together social work students and faculty to celebrate the achievements of outstanding individuals within the department and the field of social work at large.
DNP students participate in policymaking
April 27, 2017: JMU's Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program created the Health Policy Institute (HPI), an initiative where students spend a week working directly with policymakers on Capitol Hill.
Gerontology minor makes difference
April 26, 2017: JMU social work's gerontology minor (GERN) attracts a diverse population of students from communication sciences and disorders (CSD), health sciences (HS) and other students interested in working with the elderly popula
Joann Grayson retires
April 26, 2017: After a career spanning over 40 years, Joann Grayson is officially stepping down from her work at JMU.
McCoy attends Shot@Life summit
April 20, 2017: Senior nursing student Alexandra McCoy was chosen as a Shot@Life Champion allowing her to promote the importance of vaccines at the Shot@Life Champion Summit on Capitol Hill
CHBS announces 2017 faculty awards
April 18, 2017: The College of Health and Behavioral Studies is pleased to announce the 2017 Faculty Awards.
Kinesiology brings inclusive sports to students
April 13, 2017: JMU is leading the way in adapted sports and inclusive recreation education, due in part to the work of kinesiology professor Cathy McKay, who was inspired to organize the Paralympic Skill Lab.
Psychology diversity reading group visits National Museum of the American Indian
April 6, 2017: The Department of Psychology diversity reading group explores diversity and builds sociocultural awareness through their first departmental trip to the National Museum of the American Indian.
ROTC nursing student Michael Johnson attends George C. Marshall seminar
April 5, 2017: Nursing and ROTC student Michael Johnson attended George C. Marshall National Awards and Leadership Seminar in February at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
Social Work department wins Diversity Enhancement Award
April 5, 2017: At the 11th annual JMU Diversity Conference on March 15, the Social Work department was recognized as the Department Winner of the Diversity Enhancement Award Program (DEAP) for its overall commitment to and advancement
A high-impact learning environment
April 4, 2017: It makes you feel like you are the director of an orchestra. You have so much control and you can and you can start and stop in real time.
Explore the Memory and Cognition Lab
March 30, 2017: Fogler's Memory and Cognition (MAC) lab studies mental processes such as memory, learning, and language.
Curbing waste and hunger
March 29, 2017: The kitchen is based out of the new quantity foods lab in the Health and Behavioral Studies building.
Journey Around the World
March 29, 2017: Since beginning four years ago as an after school program for six children, the Journey Around the World program has blossomed into a year-long global and prosocial education curriculum.
AOTA student video wins award
March 27, 2017: Students from JMU's occupational therapy program created a winning video for the AOTA Student Centennial Video Challenge.
Grant allows physician assistant partnership with Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic
March 27, 2017: Using a federal grant of $887,000 the physician assistant studies (PA) program established an official partnership with the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic.
SW blog showcases diversity of field
March 23, 2017: Freshman social work student Caroline Whitlow has started a blog, Helping Professions of Harrisonburg, featuring professionals and community members in different fields of social work.
Kurtz's "The Happy Traveler" to be released in June
March 21, 2017: Psychology professor Jaime Kurtz has spent her career studying how people achieve happiness, and much of her leisure time traveling the world. She combined these passions by writing a book.
Investing in educational technology
March 9, 2017: Educational technology is ubiquitous. From electronic textbooks to adaptive learning systems, students, teachers, and policy-makers are inundated with promises to revolutionize teaching and learning.
JMU School of Nursing Award from the AACN
March 2, 2017: Efforts of advocacy have earned JMU's School of Nursing the Innovations in Professional Nursing Award from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
CHBS celebrates new building
February 28, 2017: The values of engaged learning and community engagement are not only embodied in JMU's students and faculty, but sometimes through the buildings themselves.
Part one - Health and Behavioral Studies building - video tour
February 28, 2017: Take a peek inside the ground and first floors of the new Health and Behavioral Studies building.
Part two - Health and Behavioral Studies building - video tour
February 28, 2017: Take a peek inside the second and third floors of the new Health and Behavioral Studies building.
Part three - Health and Behavioral Studies building - video tour
February 28, 2017: Take a peek inside the fourth and fifth floors. of the new Health and Behavioral Studies building.
Social work students and faculty participate in the Women's March on Washington
February 21, 2017: 25 students and two faculty members from the social work department
Paralympic athletes lead KIN 100 skill lab experiences
February 17, 2017: Two celebrated Paralympic athletes, as well as three accomplished wheelchair basketball players, will be on campus on February 23 to lead Paralympic Skill Lab experiences with select Kinesiology 100 classes.
PA faculty and students attend White Coats on Call
February 10, 2017: Nine graduate students and two faculty members from the physician assistant (PA) program attended "White Coats on Call", the grassroots lobbying effort held annually by the Medical Society of Virginia (MSV) and the Virgi
Providing support for North Korean refugee youth
February 8, 2017: In the summer of 2014, social work professor Hyong Yeom travelled to Seoul, South Korea to conduct research at an alternative school for North Korean refugee youths, Yeomyung School.
Spreading awareness on diversity
February 2, 2017: Last spring, psychology professor Matthew Lee was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to continue his work at University of Zadar in Croatia for five months beginning
Public health educator uses her political science background
January 30, 2017: One of the newest health sciences faculty members comes to JMU with a diverse educational background. During her undergraduate years Laura Merrell studied political science and environmental studies before her focus tur
Health clinician turned educator joins CHBS faculty
January 26, 2017: The Department of Health Sciences welcomes Dayna Henry, health clinician turned educator.
JMU professor elected Distinguished Fellow
January 26, 2017: On January 11 2017, Anne Stewart, professor of graduate psychology at James Madison University, was elected Distinguished Fellowship of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in Psychology.
JMU social work helps host Rally in the Valley
January 24, 2017: JMU along with the social work departments from Eastern Mennonite University, Mary Baldwin and George Mason University hosted the 2016 Rally In the Valley in October.
Psychology students visit Sentara RMH
January 11, 2017: Neuroscience students visit Sentara RMH Medical Center's department of radiology to see a magnetic resonance image (MRI) scan of the brain and spinal cord.
James Madison University