Obtaining Items from Surplus Property:
- Review the Current Inventory Listing of available items for transfer (at no cost) to JMU departments.
- Contact the Surplus Property Coordinator (Mark Colopy, colopyma@jmu.edu, ext. 86931) to check for items you are interested in.
- Visit the Surplus Property warehouse during open warehouse hours (Wednesdays 1:30-4:30 p.m.) or contact the SPC to make an appointment to visit at another time.
- Fill out a Department Request Form (with pre-numbered customer number) as you shop for suitable items for your department. Place a pink customer # sticker on the item you want and record your customer number on the sticker. Record the surplus ID number of the item on your Departmental Request Form in the space provided. When you finish shopping, return the Department Request Form and unused stickers to a Surplus Property Staff member.
- Surplus Property staff will determine the delivery method for the items you selected (by the SPC or FM Moving Crew) and provide instructions.
Note: The only approved delivery methods are delivery by the SPC, FM Moving and Delivery, or JMU departmental vehicles. If it takes more than one person and multiple trips using a departmental vehicle, delivery needs to be done by FM Moving and Delivery and requires an AiM work request.
PLEASE NOTE: Items with JMU ID # barcode decals will be added to your inventory using an EICR form.
Transferring All Surplus Items (Other than Computer Equipment) To Surplus Property:
Notify the Surplus Property Coordinator (SPC) at extension x86931 or via e-mail colopyma@jmu.edu to provide information regarding the types of items & volume for transfer.
Fill out an EICR form listing all items for transfer to surplus. Mail this form to Surplus Property, MSC 5704. (need instructions for completing the EICR form, find it here.)
Submit a work order to the Facilities Management Work Control Center for items that are too heavy or cumbersome for one person to handle. The SPC will assist in making that determination. The SPC will pick up small items from your department within seven working days.
NOTE: Grant and Equipment Trust Fund (ETF) equipment require pre-approval from Fixed Assets and Surplus Property (Yvonne Tomlin Tobey, tomlinay@jmu.edu or Mariea McNeill, mcneilma@jmu.edu) before they are eligible surplus items.
Transferring Surplus Computer Equipment to Computer Surplus:
Surplus computer equipment is handled by Computer Surplus and NOT Surplus Property. Computer equipment includes: CPUs, monitors, keyboards, printers, scanners, and other peripherals – all items with Equipment Service Numbers (ESN) assigned by PC Services.
Group surplus computing equipment in a central location (if possible) for Computer Surplus staff to pick up.
Fill out an EICR form.
Need to see our flowchart instructions before completing the form? – – click HERE Check the "To Another Department" box in Section III and fill in Computer Surplus for the Department Name.
Note: please record JMU decal numbers, ESN's, and serial numbers on the form. The Department Head must approve the EICR form.
Scan and email the approved EICR form to Fixed Assets at fixedassets@jmu.edu or send the original approved EICR form to Fixed Assets at MSC 5704 (make sure to keep a copy for your records). Fixed Assets staff will approve the EICR form for pick up by Computer Surplus. The eligibility to surplus Equipment Trust Fund (ETF) and grant computer equipment is verified during this approval process. Departments are contacted regarding ineligible computer equipment
Once an EICR form is approved by Fixed Assets staff, it is scanned and emailed to Computer Surplus staff to schedule pick up of the surplus computer equipment. (Computer Surplus provides this service at no charge to your budget)
When Computer Surplus staff picks up the surplus computing equipment, they will bring a copy of the approved EICR form to sign in Section III showing receipt of the equipment. Once the approved EICR form is completed, a copy is left with the department for their records. Another copy is returned to Fixed Assets staff for recording the transfer. This step will ensure that equipment with JMU decal #'s are removed from your inventory.
Surplus of Equipment purchased by Equipment Trust Fund
For the following allocation years, ownership has passed to the University. To find out if your item is eligible to surplus, review the table below:
Allocation Year | Fiscal Year | Number Series |
11 | 2011 - 2012 | 815849 - 816831 |
13 | 2013 - 2014 | 817895 - 818076 818203 - 818962 |
15 | 2015 - 2016 | 820141 - 821320 |
12 | 2012 - 2013 | 816849 - 817885 |
14 | 2014 - 2015 | 818980 - 820124 |
16 | 2016 - 2017 | 821325 - 822261 |
13 | 2013 - 2014 | 817895 - 818076 818203 - 818962 |
15 | 2015 - 2016 | 820141 - 821320 |
17 | 2017 - 2018 | 822271 - 823342 |
14 | 2014 - 2015 | 818980 - 820124 |
16 | 2016 - 2017 | 821325 - 822261 |
18 | 2018 - 2019 | 823347 - 824237 |
15 | 2015 - 2016 | 820141 - 821320 |
17 | 2017 - 2018 | 822271 - 823342 |
19 | 2019 - 2020 | 824250 - 825174 |
16 | 2016 - 2017 | 821325 - 822261 |
18 | 2018 - 2019 | 823347 - 824237 |
20 | 2020 - 2021 | 825176 - 826176 |
Decal numbers for computers (laptops, CPUs, servers) between 823347 and 824237 are eligible for surplus. Decal numbers for computers (laptops and CPUs only) between 825176 and 826176 are also eligible for surplus. Decal numbers for non-computers up through 822261 are eligible for surplus. For all surplus ETF equipment please complete an EICR form. To schedule a pick-up of computer equipment, check the box in Section III and email the EICR form to Fixed Assets at fixedassets@jmu.edu. Refer to section above, Transferring Surplus Computer Equipment to Computer Surplus. For other items, please contact Mark Colopy in Surplus Property, 540-568-6931 or email him at colopyma@jmu.edu. Please note: Mark will only pick up items that are considered to be small pick-ups (items that one person can handle).
Decal numbers for computers that fall between 826177 and 827163 are not eligible for surplus at this time. Decal number for non-computers that fall after 822261 are not eligible for surplus at this time. If you have any questions please contact Yvonne Tomlin Tobey at 540.568.3748/tomlinay@jmu.edu or Mariea McNeill at 540.568.3724/mcneilma@jmu.edu.
Lost/Stolen Equipment
If an item purchased with ETF money is lost or stolen, it must be replaced using department money if the lease agreement has not yet been satisfied. This item must be replaced with a like piece of equipment that costs at least as much as the depreciated value of the original equipment. Please contact the JMU Police Department to file a report for all stolen equipment. Also, for insurance purposes, contact Risk Management at 540.568.7701. All lost/stolen ETF equipment should be reported to Fixed Assets on an EICR form by checking the Deposal box in Section V and then the Lost/Stolen box.