The Counseling Center does not prescribe or refill ADHD medication. You should contact your provider for a refill or seek medication management from an off-campus provider.
Medications for ADHD are recommended after an assessment and diagnosis of ADHD. If you have never had an assessment, you may consider completing a free on-campus screening and referral interview first. You can also get a thorough assessment which will evaluate mental health issues, learning disabilities, and other neurologic conditions which can produce symptoms similar to ADHD. You can seek medication from a provider back home or an off-campus provider.
You need to contact the Office of Disability Services and provide the appropriate assessment documentation.
Take all medication as prescribed by your provider. Don't self-medicate. Just because one pill works well, doesn't mean that two will work better. Stimulants do not work that way. You need a specific amount of medication and your medical provider considered many factors when making your dosage recommendation. Your medical provider can reassess whether your dosage is working for you. If your medication isn't working the way you think it should, consult with your provider about making adjustments.
Taking stimulants with alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs can significantly impact brain functioning. The combinations can cause significant health concerns such as alcohol poisoning. Mixing these substances can diminish the effectiveness of the medication and cause a return of symptoms.
If you needed stimulant medication to concentrate in high school, you most likely will need medication to concentrate in college. While stimulants improve cognitive functioning, you will also need to adjust your studying habits to succeed in college. JMU has many academic success services available.
If you have ADHD, you also have difficulty concentrating in other aspects of life – sports, social, home, and work. Medications that improve concentration in class, will also help you complete homework, stay on task at work, maintain attention while driving, concentrate while playing sports, and maintain focus when doing chores.
If you need a local medication provider or refills, see our off-campus provider list.
The UHC Pharmacy only fills prescriptions written by campus providers. A list of local area pharmacies can be found below.
Pharmacy Name | Address | Phone Number |
Rite Aid | 1420 S Main St Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 434-7341 |
CVS Pharmacy | 1100 S High St Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 433-1158 |
CVS Pharmacy | 1151 Port Republic Rd Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 433-2437 |
CVS Pharmacy | 780 Martin Luther King Jr Way Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 434-8916 |
Target - Pharmacy (CVS) | 1995 E Market St Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 432-1825 |
Walmart | 171 Burgess Rd Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 433-1106 |
Walmart | 2160 John Wayland Hwy Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 432-0552 |
Costco (you don't need a membership to use the pharmacy) | 1830 Reservoir St Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 432-8989 |
Kroger | 1790 E Market St Harrisonburg, VA 22801 |
(540) 432-1830 |