Recording Therapy Sessions and Notification of Supervision
Interns are required to digitally record their client sessions, and clients are informed of this during the initial assessment session.
Informed Consent Forms
Interns are expected to review confidentiality limitations with clients prior to the initial assessment, initial therapy, and returning client appointments. These forms are given to clients to read and sign prior to their appointments.
Confidentiality Agreement
Interns must sign a Confidentiality Agreement that indicates that they have been informed of and understand the central importance of confidentiality.
Training Agreement
All interns will be required to complete a "Training Agreement" following their orientation session.
Interns receive three hours of weekly individual supervision. They will receive 2 hours of supervision from their "Primary Clinical Supervisor(s)," a Licensed Clinical Psychologist on staff. Primary clinical supervisors supervise the same intern for one semester. Interns also meet with the Associate Director for Training, a secondary clinical supervisor, for one hour every week for the entire year. At the start of supervision, each intern will be asked to submit a brief outline or statement of his/her/their training goals which is based on a self-assessment of skills completed by the intern and feedback from each intern's graduate institution regarding the intern's strengths and suggested areas for improvement at the completion of doctoral level coursework.
Secondary Supervision
Secondary supervisors are staff members who supervise a clinician-in-training in a context other than individual clinical supervision (not to be confused with the intern’s secondary clinical supervisor).
All aspects of the Psychology Internship Training Program are evaluated at various points during the training year.
Didactic Training: Interns complete evaluations on all didactic training experiences. Data and written feedback are organized and discussed within the context of the training committee to reflect upon strengths and weaknesses of the program. Based upon the training committee review, the program is revised as needed.
Intern and Supervisor Performance: Evaluation of Counseling Center interns and supervisors takes place informally throughout the supervision process. The evaluation process is formalized in the following manner and at the following times:
- Towards the middle of the fall and spring semesters, the primary and secondary clinical supervisors, as well as the secondary supervisors (e.g., outreach programming, treatment program, group counseling, supervision of supervision, etc.), are required to provide his/her/their intern with a verbal progress report.
- At the same meeting the intern (supervisee) is evaluated, the supervisee provides his/her/their supervisors with verbal feedback about their performance as supervisors.
- At the end of the fall, spring and summer semesters, the primary and secondary clinical supervisors, as well as the secondary supervisors (e.g., outreach programming, treatment program, group counseling, supervision of supervision, etc.), are required to provide his/her/their intern with a written evaluation.
Overall Evaluation of Training Experiences and Training Director. At the end of each semester, interns evaluate their experiences in the internship program. These evaluations are turned in to the Associate Director for Training and used as one of the methods of gathering formative and summative feedback to evaluate the success of program outcomes in the internship program.
Ethical and Professional Conduct
The Counseling Center observes the ethical standards and practices set forth by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA), depending upon each staff member’s professional affiliation, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Internal Governing Policies of James Madison University. As psychologists-in-training, these ethical guidelines require interns to adhere to certain principles that promote client welfare in the context of, and in an atmosphere of respect for the dignity and worth of the individual, and strive for the establishment, preservation, and protection of client’s human rights. While pursuing their therapeutic objectives, Counseling Center interns should make every effort to protect client welfare, and contribute to client well-being within the frame of the established principles and federal and state law.
The Counseling Center training staff recognizes that knowledge of the above guidelines and principles is not always sufficient to ensure appropriate ethical and professional conduct. Interns need to demonstrate the ability to integrate appropriate standards into their own repertoire of professional conduct. Interns should demonstrate sensitivity to ethical issues and dilemmas that arise in their work with clients and carry out appropriate decision-making in these and all other professional situations. Interns should also demonstrate the willingness to appropriately and readily consult with their supervisor and/or other senior staff members regarding concerns or questions related to their professional practice. During orientation, the Training Director advises interns of the due process procedures and their grievance rights. Interns are required to be familiar with and abide by the Counseling Center policies and procedures outlined in the following due process procedures document.
Dress Code
Staff at the Counseling Center strives to provide a professional and safe environment for clients to explore personal issues in their lives. Interns are encouraged to consider the potential messages being communicated to or interpreted by clients and the professional community through his/her/their choice of dress. There are some exceptions to the dress code for Counseling Center or JMU events where casual clothing will be specified as the expected or permitted attire.
Interns who successfully complete an internship with the Counseling Center are awarded a Certificate of Completion reflecting their accomplishment.
Absence Request
Interns are expected to complete approximately 40 hours/week at the Counseling Center in order to fulfill the hours requirement of the 2000 hour internship. Interns follow the student academic calendar and are not required to be at the Counseling Center during university recognized holidays. Hours worked outside of the regular schedule (i.e., evening/weekend outreach, after hours Emergency Coverage work, etc.) can be accrued for use towards vacation or professional development.
All sick, vacation and professional development requests will be reported to the Associate Director for Training. Requests will be submitted in MyMadison at least one week in advance of the requested absence. Additionally, the intern is expected to denote her/his/their scheduled absence in Titanium. Interns must request coverage for missed EC coverage, and reschedule Initial Assessment placeholder(s). If an intern is not able to attend work due to illness, she/he/they should call the Counseling Center's voicemail system (540-568-6554) to report that situation. Interns should instruct front desk staff regarding the disposition of scheduled appointments for that day.
During senior staff retreats in December and May, interns must be scheduled to be at the Counseling Center. During the fall and spring semesters, the request involves an absence of 3 or fewer days (extended absences are discouraged during the academic year because of the stress that they can place on the system, but exceptions are made for special circumstances). If a staff member’s request is out of alignment with one or more of the above conditions, they should communicate with the Associate Director for Training about the situation.
Professional Development Funds
Each intern is provided $600 to use towards professional development opportunities. This includes registration and accommodation fees for conferences, online webinars, and clinical books (books will need to remain in the Counseling Center at conclusion of training). Interns should review their request for professional development funds with the Associate Director for Training. Once the Associate Director for Training has verbalized support of request, interns should contact David Gillette, Office Manager, for support with logistics of request. Due to length of process, any requests should be make a month in advance, when possible.
Due Process Procedures
The Counseling Center has procedures in place for the remediation of insufficient competence and/or problematic behavior. You can view the policies and procedures related to these issues here.
Program Disclosures
As articulated in Standard I.B.2, programs may have “admission and employment policies that directly relate to affiliation or purpose” that may be faith-based or secular in nature. However, such policies and practices must be disclosed to the public. Therefore, programs are asked to respond to the following question.
Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values. |
_______ Yes ___X___ No |
If yes, provide a website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented |
n/a |
James Madison University Policies Applying to Psychology Interns
Equal Opportunity: JMU Policy 1302
Discrimination & Harassment: JMU Policy 1324
Disabilities & Reasonable Accommodations: JMU Policy 1331
Sexual Misconduct: JMU Policy 1340