
History is an inherently global topic, as much of the world’s known history took place outside our landmass. Studying abroad is the perfect opportunity to research the past - in places that have centuries more information to examine. Studying abroad can provide students with different perspectives and problem solving skills, as well as a growing sense of independence that could be helpful in future endeavors.

See the list of recommended study abroad programs below.  Please be aware that for any external or exchange study abroad programs listed, students will need to check with their academic department to see if courses taken while abroad will transfer and fulfill needed requirements.

JMU Programs

East Africa Field School: Swahili and Human-Environment Interactions - Summer

The History and Politics of East Asia - Summer

Asian Business Analytics - Summer

JMU in Argentina - Summer

JMU Summer in Ghana and Internship - Summer

Food and Culture of France - Summer

JMU Exchange Programs

University of Versailles (France) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder (Germany) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

National Chengchi University (Taiwan) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

Malmö University (Sweden) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

Yonsei University (South Korea) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

External Programs


Other Related JMU Programs

Semester in London - Fall, Spring, Summer

Examining 'La Dolce Vita' in Italy through Cross-Cultural Psychology - Summer

The Age of Enlightenment in London - Summer

Identity and Conflict in Austria, Bosnia, and Croatia - Summer

Communication, Conflict and Culture in Ireland - Summer

Castles, Temples, Palazzi: Art and Architecture in Italy - Summer

Michelangelo's Italy - Summer

Madison Camp-Kenya: Interdisciplinary Education Abroad - Summer

Mediterranean Marvels - Summer

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