Study Abroad

While it seems that accounting students would have a hard time benefiting from a study abroad program, imagining and examining accounting through another cultural frame can give students more understanding and/or new possibilities for critical thinking. Studying abroad gives accounting students the perspective and adaptability they need to work in this field, while introducing new angles to business operations, technologies, and strategies.

See the list of recommended study abroad programs below.  Please be aware that for any external or exchange study abroad programs listed, students will need to check with their academic department to see if courses taken while abroad will transfer and fulfill needed requirements.

JMU Programs

Semester in Antwerp - Fall, Spring, Summer

International Finance in Antwerp - Summer

JMU Exchange Programs

American University of Cairo (Egypt) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

Flinders University (Australia) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder (Germany) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

Ritsumeikan University (Japan) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

Yonsei University (South Korea) - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

External Programs


Other Related JMU Programs

JMU Study at St. Andrews, Scotland - Fall, Spring, or Full Academic Year

JMU Study at Oxford, England - Spring

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