The Faculty in Residence program was created to house university professors in the residence halls in order to facilitate interaction between students and educators.
We house FIRs in Paul Jennings Hall, Chandler Hall, Chesapeake Hall, Shenandoah Hall, Wayland Hall, and Eagle Hall.
Program Goals:
- Increase informal interaction between students and faculty.
- Increase opportunities for student out-of-classroom learning.
- Increase faculty involvement in out-of-classroom student life.
"This program benefits both the student and faculty member in residence. Students can receive assistance with their academic or personal development. The faculty member can benefit from sharing their area of expertise and/or their personal interests. Their work as educators can be enhanced through the residential living experience. Research shows that informal student/faculty contact has a positive effect on college students’ personal and intellectual development."
(Browne, M. N., Headworth, S., & Saum, K., 2009)

Dr. BJ Bryson
Shenandoah Hall, Faculty in Residence

Paull Campbell
Chesapeake Hall, Faculty in Residence

Shannon Conley
Eagle Hall, Faculty in Residence

Nicholas Greer-Young
Wayland Hall, Faculty in Residence

Jenna Guenther
Paul Jennings Hall, Faculty in Residence
Assignment Details
Period of Assignment:
This is an academic year assignment. The period of assignment begins on August 1st and ends on May 31st . The Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) assignment is for the entire academic year. Faculty-in-Residence may stay in the halls through Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks with notice to the Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Learning Initiatives. FIRs may stay in the halls over the summer months if returning the following academic year. This requires advance approval from the Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Learning Initiatives.
Terms of Assignment:
A small programming budget will be available to the FIR for the academic year. The FIR must follow all ORL money request and university accounting procedures. These funds are for programming purposes only in an effort to facilitate contact between residents and faculty. The FYI resource center can consult with the FIR on programs and offer resources and ideas.
- Faculty-in-Residence should understand and work within the Community Engagement Programming Moedl used by ORL to facilitate residential learning.
- FIRs offer three programs each semester that may include co-sponsoring a program with an RA, inviting guest speakers or other faculty lecturers, etc. Two of these programs should be community building in orientation; one should be about your academic discipline.
- FIRs attend three additional programs each semester planned by hall staff – may include social interactions, attending intramurals, etc.
- FIRs attend the end of the year recognition celebration in April
- FIRs submit an annual report describing program activities, suggestions for future of FIR program by May 15th.
In addition, the Faculty-in-Residence should attend the following sessions/programs:
- RA training (sections to be determined with the Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Learning Initiatives)
- Move-In Day events in August
Additional responsibilities for Honors Living and Learning Center Faculty in Residence (Shenandoah Hall):
- Attend the parents/students welcome event on move-in day (occurring on first of the two move-in days)
- Attend the initial HLLC orientation session
- Participate in at least one HLLC event per semester
- Meet with the Honors College director as needed.
- Staff Meetings, Developmentals, and other interactions with students/staff
- The Faculty-in-Residence will:
- Meet with Hall Director twice per month,
- Meet with Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Learning Initiatives and/or Area Director 2 times per semester,
- Attend a hall staff meeting and/or a developmental meeting twice a semester, and
- Attend a Community Advisory Board meeting once a semester.
- All behavioral interactions regarding policies in the hall should be directly addressed by RA & HD staff only. The FIR should report any knowledge of policy violations to the RA & HD staff.
Hall Assignment:
FIR staff will be placed to provide the best housing program possible for the residents of the hall. Each FIR capabilities, personality and interests will be taken into consideration when specific hall assignments are made. FIR hall assignments are for the entire academic year. FIR assignments may be changed at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life. FIR also agrees to all terms and conditions set forth in Appendix A-Housing Terms and Conditions. This document will be shared when assignment occurs and is signed by faculty as well as faculty’s immediate supervisor.
Retention and Placement:
FIR retention and reappointment is contingent upon the Hall Director, Area Director and Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Learning Initiatives’ recommendations. Retention is also based on the perceived needs of the individual. Overall job performance will be reviewed periodically by the above mentioned. Additionally retention and reassignment will be based upon meeting participation expectations in this assignment.
Provided is a furnished apartment (including cable, local phone, & internet service). The program does not cover parking permits, cost of moving, personal property insurance, or long distance telephone charges.
Ethical Standards:
FIR are professional members of the Office of Residence Life; therefore, FIRs are expected to maintain a high level of ethical standards. FIRs are to follow all University and Commonwealth policies as outlined by the Office of Residence Life. Understand and agree that the Office of Residence Life may conduct a background check for security and safety reasons.