Jackson Hall on a beautiful blue sky day

Getting Started 

Some mentors share that getting started can be the hardest part!  Here are some good things to keep in mind as you begin the process:

  • Set a good initial tone; be open & engaging
  • Identify and share what you are each looking to gain from the relationship (broad goals)
  • Challenge each other’s assumptions about the process
  • Build trust
  • Set clear expectations and ground rules
    • Discuss what happens if rules are not followed
    • How will you hold each other accountable?
    • Process (frequency/type of meetings)

Places to Meet & Things to Do:


Each mentor has committed to do the following:

Maintain confidentiality

  • We do NOT expect that you will inform us if students self-disclose violations or are breaking policies.
  • There is a limit to confidentiality— as a responsible employee you have a duty to share with us (or the Title IX office) if the student discloses any information regarding sexual misconduct. Disclosure of knowledge of abuse/neglect of a minor(s) or elder or talk of harm to self/others should be reported to OSARP. We are also required to keep statistics of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking if the student choses to disclose this information.
  • If you are unsure of how to handle a confidential issue, please consult OSARP.


  • Meet the student once a week for an hour.
  • Let the coordinator know right away if the student is missing meetings or not communicating.
  • Respond to requests for updates from the coordinator.


  • Support and challenge the student through dialogue and activities.
  • Provide students feedback about their thoughts and behaviors.
  • Act as a resource and connection to other resources.
  • Assist the student to reflect on and complete their mission statement and goals.


As part of the Mentor Experience Civic Learning Program, students must complete a personal mission statement and goals. Instructions for these activities are provided by the mentor. You'll find several resources below to assist your student in these requirements.

Resources for:


For more ideas or questions, contact your coordinator.

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