Are you doing an internship abroad that isn't through a James Madison University Study Abroad program? Whether you are doing it for credit or not, make sure to register with the Study Abroad Office by applying below. By registering your information with us, we can provide you with emergency support while you are abroad, information about international health insurance and other benefits to make sure you have a positive and safe time abroad. Please complete the simple application by clicking on the link below. Please contact the Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@jmu.edu or 540-568-6419 with any questions.
If you have not yet located an internship, please check our External Affiliate page to find opportunities. Some are combination study/intern and others offer full-time internships. A few full-time internship providers to help you get started are: Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Abroad, Council on International Educational Exchange (IEE) and CAPA: The Global Education Network. Please note that most internship application deadlines are earlier than study abroad due to the extra time needed to find a placement.