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2024 - 2025 Tuition - Education & General Expenditures


FY25 Tuition Breakdown



Public Service

Funds expended for activities established primarily to provide noninstructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution. Such activities could include seminars, projects, and various organizational entities to provide services to particular sectors of the community. An example is Community Service Learning.

Student Services

Funds expended for activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to students' emotional and physical well-being and to their intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of formal instruction. Examples include Career and Academic Planning, Disablity Services, Counseling Center, and the Registrar.

Physical Plant

Funds expended for facilities-related support to the JMU community including transportation, trades, housekeeping, environmental stewardship, facilities planning and construction, landscaping, and utilities.

Institutional Support

Funds expended for support for the day-to-day operations of the university. Examples include fiscal operations, general administrative services, logistical services, and public relations and development.

Instruction & Academic Support

[Instruction] Funds expended for activities which are part of the institution’s instructional program. Examples include the academic Colleges.

[Academic Support] Funds expended for activities carried out primarily to provide support services that are an integral part of the operations of one of the institution's three primary programs: instruction, research, and public service. Libraries and Education Technologies as an example.


2024 - 2025 Auxiliary Comprehensive Fee

The auxiliary comprehensive fee, listed on the student account as the comprehensive fee, is a mandatory fee charged to all students. It covers non-academic services at the university.

2024-25 Auxiliary Comprehensive Fee




Transportation Services


Support of the university's transportation services.

Student Health Services


Non-academic programs, departments and services that support and promote student health and wellness (University Health Center).



Maintenance, operations and support of non-academic campus buildings.

Auxiliary Services


Non-academic programs, departments, and services that facilitate student well-being, success, safety and support. 

Student Activity


Non-academic programs, departments and services that offer a variety of extra-curricular student activities and learning opportunities (Madison Union, Marching Royal Dukes).

Intercollegiate Athletics


Support of the intercollegiate athletic programs for men and women.



Total comprehensive fee for the year; $2,908 per semester.

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