compiled by Elizabeth Price, Business Librarian

Recent Scholarly Output

Altay, N., & Pal, R. (2023). Coping in supply chains: A conceptual framework for disruption management. International Journal of Logistics Management, 34(2), 261–279.

Atef Yekta, H., Bergman, D., & Day, R. (2023). Balancing stability and efficiency in team formation as a generalized roommate problem. Naval Research Logistics, 70(1), 72–88.

Balozian, P., Burns, A. J., & Leidner, D. E. (2022). An Adversarial Dance: Toward an Understanding of Insiders’ Responses to Organizational Information Security Measures. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(1), 161–221.

Banks, G. C., Ross, R., Toth, A. A., Tonidandel, S., Mahdavi Goloujeh, A., Dou, W., & Wesslen, R. (2023). The triangulation of ethical leader signals using qualitative, experimental, and data science methods. Leadership Quarterly, 34(3).

Bhatt, V., & Kishor, N. K. (2022). Role of credit and expectations in house price dynamics. Finance Research Letters, 50.

Bhatt, V., Liao, M., & Zhao, M. Q. (2023). Government policy and land price dynamics: A quantitative assessment of China’s factor market reforms. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 98.

Cao, W., Duan, X., & Niu, X. (2023). Access to finance, bureaucracy, and capital allocation efficiency. Journal of Economics and Business, 125–126.

Cook, D. O., Chowdhury, J., & Zhang, W. (2023). Director optimism and CEO equity compensation. Journal of Empirical Finance, 72, 143–162.

Dabadghao, S. S., & Vaziri, B. (2022). The predictive power of popular sports ranking methods in the NFL, NBA, and NHL. Operational Research, 22(3), 2767–2783.

Duxbury, A. (2023). Strategic Repatriations and Future Earnings Flexibility. Advances in Taxation, 30, 37–70.

Faria, A. B., & Subrick, J. R. (2023). After Shleifer, who needs Mises? Southern Economic Journal, 89(3), 680–693.

Grant, W. C. (2023). Correlated Equilibrium and Evolutionary Stability in 3-Player Rock- Hamilton, B. Paper-Scissors. Games, 14(3).

 (2023). Two steps forward, one step back? Quantifying the pecuniary costs of debt account aversion and the debt snowball. Southern Economic Journal, 89(3), 830–859.

Harris, C. M., Brown, L. W., & Pattie, M. W. (2022). You are drafted: The role of employee and manager human capital on employee career advancement. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, 9(3), 506–523.

Heggestad, E. D., Nicole Voss, E., Toth, A. A., Ross, R. L., Banks, G. C., & Canevello, A. (2023). Two Meanings of “Social Skills”: Proposing an Integrative Social Skills Framework. Group and Organization Management, 48(2), 361–404.

Holt, C. A., Sahu, R., & Smith, A. M. (2022). An experimental analysis of risk effects in attacker-defender games. Southern Economic Journal, 89(1), 185–215.

Hussain, S. M., & Liu, L. (2023). Macroeconomic effects of government spending shocks: New narrative evidence from Canada. Journal of Macroeconomics, 75.

König, T. M., Clarke, T. B., Hellenthal, M., & Clarke III, I. (2022). Personality effects on WoM and eWoM susceptibilty – a cross-country perspective. International Marketing Review, 39(4), 889–911.

Li, G., Wang, P., & Pal, R. (2022). Measuring sustainable technology R&D innovation in China: A unified approach using DEA-SBM and projection analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 209.

Li, Y., Ping, Y., Zhong, Y., & Misra, R. (2023). Learning-by-doing in non-homogeneous tasks: An empirical study of content creator performance on a music streaming platform. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 58.

Mousa, F.-T., Chowdhury, J., & Gallagher, S. R. (2023). The implications of CEO power on the relationship between firm resources and innovation. Journal of Management and Organization, 29(1), 14–29.

Naletelich, K., Ketron, S., & Alejandro Gelves, J. (2023). Curbing texting & driving with advertising co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 156.

Naletelich, K., Ketron, S., Spears, N., & Gelves, J. A. (2023). Using representational and abstract imagery to create regulatory fit effects. Psychology and Marketing, 40(3), 579–595.

Nejadmalayeri, A., & Usman, A. (2022). Real asset liquidity, cash holdings, and the cost of corporate debt. Global Finance Journal, 53.

Neveu, A. R., & Smith, A. M. (2023). Engaging Students, Faculty, and External Professionals with a Data-Centered Group Capstone Project. Eastern Economic Journal, 49(3), 408–432.

Pal, R., & Altay, N. (2023). The missing link in disruption management research: Coping. Operations Management Research, 16(1), 433–449.

Patterson, C. R., York, E., Maxham, D., Molina, R., & Mabrey, P. (2023). Applying a Responsible Innovation Framework in Developing an Equitable Early Alert System: A Case Study. Journal of Learning Analytics, 10(1), 24–36.

Ritchie, W. J., Kerski, J., Novoa, L. J., & Tokman, M. (2023). Bridging the gap between supply chain management practice and curriculum: A location analytics exercise. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 21(2), 83–94.

Rosser, J. B., & Rosser, M. V. (2023). A conjoined intellectual journey: Richard H. Day and the journal he founded. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 210, 83–90.

Schuetz, S. W., Steelman, Z. R., & Syler, R. A. (2022). It’s not just about accuracy: An investigation of the human factors in users’ reliance on anti-phishing tools. Decision Support Systems, 163.

Usman, A. (2022). Cash holdings and real asset liquidity. International Review of Financial Analysis, 83.

Vojvodic, G., Novoa, L. J., & Jarrah, A. I. (2023). Experimentation with Benders decomposition for solving the two-timescale stochastic generation capacity expansion problem. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 11.

White, M. L., Henderson, D. F., Smith, S. G., & Bell, M. P. (2022). A new look at an old problem: A positive psychology lens on discrimination – identity builders and work-related outcomes. Human Resource Management Review, 32(3).

Wiratchotisatian, P., Yekta, H. A., & Trapp, A. C. (2022). Stability Representations of Many-to-One Matching Problems: An Integer Optimization Approach. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(6), 3325–3343.

Zhong, Y., Shen, W., & Ceryan, O. (2023). Information provision under showrooming and webrooming. Omega (United Kingdom), 114.

*Bibliography based on citations for final versions of articles published during the 2022-23 academic year and indexed in Scopus (a database that allows users to search by author affiliation). If you are a CoB faculty member whose articles aren’t listed, update your author profile in Scopus to set your current affiliation as James Madison University. Questions should be directed to

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