Professor, Economics
Contact Info
Teaching & Research Interests
- Econometrics
- Applied Microeconomics
- Financial Economics
- Ph.D., Economics, Boston College 1993
- B.A. (highest distinction), Economics and Mathematics, University of Maine 1985
Select Publications
“Estimating the effect of active management and private equity for defined benefit pension funds,” Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (2021) 79, 161-169. (with Ken Eades and Brooks Marshall)
"Persistence in the Long-Run Expected Rate of Return for Corporate Pension Plans", Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (2017) 63, 271-277.
"The Effect of Home Advantage, Momentum, and Fighting on Winning in the National Hockey League," Journal of Sports Economics, 12 (2011), 538-560 (with Benjamin Leard).
"Economic Literacy Among Corporate Employees," Journal of Economic Education, 33 (2002),195-206 (with William C. Wood).
"Fixed Costs of Adjustment, Coordination, and Industry Investment," Review of Economics and Statistics, 83, (2001), 628-637 (with Toni Whited).