Beta Gamma Sigma Group - Header Image
Our Mission

The mission of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement and personal excellence in the study and practice of business. This mission is exemplified in the four objectives of the Society.

  • Encourage and honor high academic achievement by students of business and management through chapters in all American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business accredited schools.

  • Foster in Beta Gamma Sigma members an enduring commitment to the principles and values of the Society: honor and integrity, pursuit of wisdom and earnestness.

  • Support the advancement of business thought, at both the national and chapter levels, so as to encourage life-long learning for the Society's members and other constituents.

  • Enhance the visibility and reputation of Beta Gamma Sigma.


The principles of Beta Gamma Sigma are represented by three Greek words, the initials of which for the names of the Society.


Beta signifies honor. Honor is personal integrity and excellence of character. It is an enduring quality found in all persons who deserve to lead other.


Gamma signifies wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge test by experience and tempered by discerning judgement. It abhors prejudice; it insists upon freedom of thought and expression.


Sigma signifies earnestness. Earnestness is enthusiasm measured by; achievement, disciplined by reason and ennobled by sincerity. It is that dynamic quality which is essential for all great achievement.

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