The CFI offers programs and events throughout the year which require either a registration or application process to attend the event. All users will sign in through our online registration webpage using their JMU eID and password with the DUO prompt to register for our active programs.
Our programs are advertised weekly through our CFI Digest. You can also find a listing of our active programs through the individual program "event" pages, which is accessible through the CFI event pages (see the button link on this page) and at the bottom of the CFI home page; otherwise, if it requires a registration, you may also view the details and register for the program directly through our online registration webpage.
Our programs are intended for JMU faculty or staff only! If you are a student or administrator and would like to attend, please email with your request.
CFI programs that require an application process will have details on the individual program event page on how to apply.
We use "QuestionPro" to create our survey questions and provide the "Application" link as an action button on the event page.
How to Apply for Programs
Please follow the "How to Apply" instructions provided on both the program's event page and in the survey after you have clicked on the link.
You must complete the survey in its entirety to be considered for the prgoram. Application surveys provide both an online submission confirmation and an email confirmation. Applicants are contacted at a later date by the CFI program facilitator to confirm selection and/or attendance for a program.
Please direct questions to or call (540) 568-4846 or to the listed individual on the event page.
The registration link (below) will direct you to the CFI Program Registration site portal. From the registration portal, you may view a list of the next 3 upcoming programs (top right), browse programs/events (by all programs, program area and through the monthly calendar), sign in through the Faculty/Staff portal using your JMU eID, and if you have facilitator access you may log in to the separate server with your credentials (access granted by CFI Operations).
If this is your first time visiting the CFI registration page this semester, be sure to clear your browser cache/cookies, create a program account, then complete your profile information (including updating your college/division and department) for our records!
Once you have completed your account setup, feel free to register for our upcoming programs. Please direct questions to or call (540) 568-4846.
How to Register for Programs
- Your account will be created automatically when you sign in with your JMU e-ID and password (DUO required). Be sure to clear your browser cache/cookies upon each visit to the registration page.
- Click on the "Profile" nav (under "My Account" header to make your selections and updates).
- Your name and email will transfer in automatically and show as required.
- Select or update (Note: Select from the dropdown for college, state and department ORG)
- College/division (do not use the AA only selection)
- Address (enter your MSC (mail stop code) for your on-campus office)
- City (enter Harrisonburg)
- State (select Virginia from the list)
- Zipcode (enter 22807)
- Work Phone (office phone is applicable)
- Cell Phone (not required)
- Email (auto populated)
- Department (select from the list)
- Dietary Needs/Accommodation
- Add comments about your dietary & accommodation needs as appropriate. If meals are provided, we order these in advance of programming; therefore, we are unable to accommodate individual request. However, we attempt to have options available for everyone and we request that Catering label food accordingly.
- This information is collected and stored with your online account for all future programs you may attend. If this information changes at any time, please be sure to update it in your profile.
- Add comments about your dietary & accommodation needs as appropriate. If meals are provided, we order these in advance of programming; therefore, we are unable to accommodate individual request. However, we attempt to have options available for everyone and we request that Catering label food accordingly.
See step-by-step instructions with screenshots in the following video!
Instructional Registration Video
If you would like additional assistance with registering for our programs, click on the video image below for step-by-step instructions.
If you find that you are unable to attend a scheduled event prior to the registration deadline, please return to your CFI Program Account and cancel your registration. If it is after the event registration deadline, please email as early as possible to avoid being waitlisted for future events.
CFI programs will be canceled automatically if JMU is closed for inclement weather.
We want this program to be welcoming, accessible, and inclusive for all of our participants. Please describe any considerations or accommodations (e.g., dietary, disability, wellness, cultural, etc.) you want us to know about in your account profile under the dietary and accommodation request.
If you have questions or any complications with registering/applying to a CFI program, please contact us at or (540) 568-4846.