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We are an inclusive academic community committed to excellence in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.  We advance intellectual and creative discovery through transformative learning experiences that positively impact our lives and communities. 

Heather Coltman 2020
Dr. Heather Coltman
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

A Message from the Provost

Dear colleagues,

I write to announce that I am resigning from JMU, effective June 30, 2024. 

The seven years I have served as JMU’s Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs have been unforgettable - fulfilling, challenging and inspiring. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has been part of the unprecedented success of the academic enterprise over the past seven years. Together, we affirmed the centrality of academics at JMU. Our impact continues to resonate across the country and the globe as our stature continues to grow.

I am grateful for the countless ways that so many JMU staff, faculty and students have contributed to my own learning and growth. 

I leave more curious than ever about the world in which we live, and more passionate than ever about the promise of higher education. 

I extend my very best wishes to you all for the future and look forward to staying in touch.



Question for the Provost?

Academic Affairs faculty and staff can use these feedback features to contact the provost directly about operation of the division.

This is an open line of communication that allows faculty and staff to express their questions, but it is not a substitute from the crucial interactions you have with your academic unit head, department head and dean.

Students should contact with questions.

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