Cover 2023 Profile image


Associate Director, Case Management
Contact Info
Pronouns: He, Him

What I do in OSARP

Among other things, my main responsibilities include:

  • Supervise the Organizational Accountability staff and the Administrative/Front Desk staff.
  • Receive and process all reports sent to OSARP for individual students and organizations; Work with internal and external campus and community partners on the reporting process; Administrative oversight for all investigation and accountability processes.
  • Case Administrator for minor, major, and flexible Accountability cases, Sexual Misconduct cases, Title IX Sexual Harassment cases, and cases that involve possible outcomes of suspension, expulsion, or notice of trespass from JMU and/or removal from all university housing.
  • Advise individuals on the processes and options offered by OSARP and the university.
  • Facilitate outreach with internal and external campus and community partners regarding OSARP, student and organizational accountability processes, and restorative practices.
About Me

I graduated from JMU in 2008 with a B.S. in Sports Management. During that time, I was an Resident Adviser (RA) in Ikenberry Hall and Hall Director in Frederikson Hall. After undergrad, I worked in the golf industry for a year before returning to JMU in 2009 to be a Full-Time Hall Director (Chandler Hall and Shenandoah Hall) in the Office of Residence Life. While working for ORL, I completed a Master of Education degree in College Student Personnel Administration (CSPA). I also served as an Area Director for seven years in ORL, working directly with RAs, Hall Directors, and overseeing four different areas of campus (Village, Hillside, Grace Street, and Skyline). I have been in my current role with OSARP since July 2019 and I am also a PhD student in the School of Strategic Leadership Studies at JMU.

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