An IBA is an adjustment to an employee's base salary due to:

  • A change in job duties and responsibilities.
  • Professional/skill development from job-related training, education, certification and/or licensure.
  • Retention (i.e., responding to salary market changes, labor market fluctuations, etc.)
  • Internal alignment, salary compression and other internal inequities.

IBAs are for, full-time, classified employees and non-student wage employees and will be conducted in accordance with a schedule to be determined by the vice presidents, working in concert with the Office of Budget Management. HR will evaluate each request based on the 13 pay factors and make final recommendations to each vice president. The final decision for implementation of recommended changes is the responsibility of the vice president. A paper PAR form and a PAW will be required for each IBA request.

IBA Submissions

  1. IBA’s are for non-probationary classified employees and eligible 1500-hour wage employees.
  2. IBA’s can be submitted to Human Resources at any time by the supervisor or reviewer only.
  3. Under normal conditions, an IBA process will usually occur in the fall and spring of each fiscal year. Under current budget conditions, the vice presidents will determine when each process, if any, will occur.
  4. Funding for wage IBA’s and for all grant-funded IBA’s come from the department budget and are processed using the same timeline as classified staff.
  5. Supervisors should NOT communicate to the employee that an IBA request has been submitted until that request has been approved.
  6. Human Resources (HR) will review the Personnel Action Request (PAR), Pay Action Worksheet (PAW), performance evaluations, updated position descriptions (maintained in the Position Description Application), and any other documentation provided to justify the IBA.
  7. HR will sort and prioritize requests based on specific criteria provided through the State Classified Compensation Plan. Requests will be based on performance, budget factors, agency needs, and will adhere as closely as possible to the justifications for IBA’s as detailed in the JMU Salary Administration Plan. Reasons for requesting an IBA are as follows:
    • Change in job duties and responsibilities
    • Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s) - application of new skills and competencies such as education, certifications, licensures, etc.
    • Retention - (e.g., responding to salary market changes and labor market fluctuations, etc.)
    • Internal alignment - salary compression, inversion, and other internal inequities.
  1. HR will send the approved requests to the vice presidents who will grant final approval and sign the PAR form. Therefore, the Vice President’s signature is not required for the initial request. Academic Affairs will follow normal protocol with the PAR form approval process.
  2. HR will notify the supervisor and reviewer of any approved IBA’s and Role Changes who will then be responsible for informing the recipient. The recipient will receive a confirmation letter from his or her VP.
  3. IBA requests are contingent on available funding. It is possible that a request can be approved but not funded. If so, the request will be submitted for the next IBA process.

For questions regarding the IBA process, please contact your HR Consultant.

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