JMU is a learning, working, and living environment free from gender and sex-based discrimination including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. JMU has two policies that address sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. JMU Policy 1346 - Title IX Sexual Harassment pertains to incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking that occur within university programs and activities, including employment. JMU Policy 1340 - Sexual Misconduct addresses sexual misconduct outside the scope of Policy 1346. These policies are for all members of the university community.
JMU employees are designated as Responsible Employees. Responsible Employees are obligated to report all disclosures of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct that they learn about during the course of their employment to the Title IX Office. Employees may receive disclosures from students, faculty, or staff regarding incidents of sexual misconduct which they are responsible for reporting to Title IX. Employees can report information directly to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Office via email, in person, or over the phone. This assures that Title IX can then reach out to the party who experienced harm to provide information about resources and support available through the university.
Employees may also report information to their HR Consultant, who will forward the report to the Title IX Office.
Title IX compliance and reporting at JMU is managed by the Title IX Office. Laura Sider serves as the university’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Office can provide guidance on resources and support available, legal and/or campus conduct processes, and provide supportive measures including, but not limited to, No Contact Orders and temporary changes to work schedule and/or location to individuals who have experienced harm.
The Title IX office also oversees the university's efforts in understanding campus climate regarding sexual harassment and sexual misconduct and provides campus-wide education and training on Title IX. On their website, you can learn more about