Probationary Period JMU Policy 1322
The probationary period is an introductory period of employment that allows the employee and JMU to determine if the employee is suited for the job. During the probationary period, employees may be terminated with or without cause, and without access to the State Grievance Procedure.
Employees who are hired/re-hired into a classified position must serve a 12-month probationary period, effective from the date of employment/re-employment. Employees who have completed a probationary period during their current employment, and who begin a new classified position with no break in service, are usually not required to serve a new probationary period.
The normal probationary period is 12 months; however, probationary periods may be extended for up to six additional months for performance reasons, if an employee is absent for an extended period, or if an employee moves to another position within the last six months of the 12-month period.
Probationary reviews are conducted at three, six, and nine months, and three weeks prior to completion of the probationary period. Employees may be rated as a Contributor or Below Contributor during their probationary period.
Position Description
The position description identifies the essential functions and measures of the position. Essential functions are the primary core responsibilities that are necessary to fulfill the purpose of the position. Measures are observable performance and behavioral outcomes that define success. The position description also identifies any special assignments for the employee and communicates overriding departmental values expected for all department employees.
The employee's supervisor creates the position description in PeopleSoft when a new position is established. It should be reviewed for accuracy throughout the year and is typically updated during the performance evaluation process.
Performance Evaluation Process JMU Policy 1305
Formal performance evaluations serve as an effective feedback tool to help the employee identify performance strengths and areas in need of further development. It may also enhance communication between employees and supervisors. The performance review period for non-probationary, classified employees is an annual cycle and runs each year from October 25 to October 24.
Supervisors review position descriptions at the beginning of the cycle. The position description is the basis for evaluating employee performance throughout the entire performance cycle.
The supervisor rates the employee's performance toward the end of the review period by comparing actual performance to the measures indicated in the position description. Non-probationary employees receive an overall performance rating of Extraordinary Contributor, High Contributor, Contributor, Moderate Contributor, or Below Contributor. The performance evaluation form is used for both the employee self-evaluation and the annual performance evaluation. In conjunction with the performance evaluation, an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) is created. The employee and the supervisor use this form to record the employee's current training desires, and short and long-term career goals. It is a written plan for developing knowledge, skills and competencies that support both the organization's objectives and the employee's needs and goals.
Standards of Conduct JMU Policy 1317
Classified employees are employed to fulfill certain duties and expectations that support the mission of the university and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner deserving of public trust. The following list is not all-inclusive, but is intended to illustrate the minimum expectations for acceptable job performance and conduct.
Employees who contribute to the success of the university’s mission:
- Report to work as scheduled and seek approval from their supervisors in advance for any changes to the established work schedule, including the use of leave and late or early arrivals and departures.
- Perform assigned duties and responsibilities with the highest degree of public trust.
- Devote full effort to job responsibilities during work hours.
- Maintain the qualifications, certification, licensure, and/or training requirements identified for their positions.
- Demonstrate respect for the university and toward university coworkers, supervisors, managers, subordinates, students, customers, affiliates, and visitors.
- Use state equipment, time, and resources judiciously and as authorized.
- Support efforts that ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
- Utilize leave and related employee benefits in the manner for which they were intended.
- Resolve work-related issues and disputes in a professional manner and through established business processes.
- Meet or exceed established job performance expectations.
- Make work-related decisions and/or take actions that are in the best interest of the university.
- Comply with the letter and spirit of all state and university policies and procedures, the Conflict of Interest Act, and Commonwealth laws and regulations.
- Report circumstances or concerns that may affect satisfactory job performance to management, including any inappropriate (fraudulent, illegal, unethical) activities of other employees. See Policy 1603 – Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting.
- Obtain approval from supervisor prior to accepting outside employment.
- Obtain approval from supervisor prior to working overtime if non-exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
- Work cooperatively to achieve work unit and university goals and objectives.
Conduct themselves at all times in a manner that supports the mission of the university and the performance of their duties.
Service Awards
In accordance with the Commonwealth's Employee Recognition Programs DHRM Policy 1.10, the university recognizes length of service for classified staff and faculty through an annual service awards event. Employees who have completed 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc. years of service with the university are honored. During this recognition, the university will also acknowledge any additional service with the Commonwealth of Virginia.