Health Insurance
The university offers comprehensive health insurance programs to all full-time employees. The cost of health insurance coverage is shared by the employee and the university. The health insurance program provides hospitalization, medical, surgical, out-patient, prescription drug and major medical coverage.
Coverage options are:
- Single (coverage for employee only)
- Employee plus one (coverage for employee plus one eligible dependent)
- Family (coverage for employee plus two or more eligible dependents)
Coverage in a health care plan begins on the first day of the first full month in which employment begins. An employee has 30 days from their hire date to make a health benefit selection. Health insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month when separation from the university occurs, provided premiums have been paid.
Changes to coverage may be made yearly during Open Enrollment (typically in May) or during the plan year for certain qualifying mid-year events such as marriage or divorce, death of spouse or dependent, birth or adoption of a child, change in a spouse's employment, change in the dependent status of a child, etc. Qualifying mid-year event changes must be made within 60 days of the event, and become effective the first of the month following the mid-year event date or the receipt of the enrollment form, whichever is later. Exceptions to this rule include the birth/adoption of a child or divorce.
Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code permits employees to have the employee’s portion of the health insurance premium deducted prior to state and federal taxation. Employees are automatically placed into the pre-tax program.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Enrollment in a flexible spending account (FSA) allows for deductions prior to state and federal taxation for qualified medical and dependent care expenses. In a medical FSA, employees set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for medical, dental, vision care, or other eligible expenses which are not covered by their health benefits plan. The maximum amount employees may deposit into their medical FSA each plan year is $2,750. The minimum contribution each pay period is $10.
The dependent care FSA allows employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible dependent care expenses. Single employees or employees who are married and file joint returns may deposit a maximum of $5,000 per plan year into the account; married employees who file separate tax returns are limited to $2,500 per plan year. The minimum contribution each pay period is $10.
Once the deduction begins, employees cannot stop their deductions until the open enrollment period or a qualifying mid-year event occurs. Employees should plan carefully when enrolling in either of these accounts, as unused balances at the end of the plan year are forfeited.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential information, support, and referral service offering tools and resources designed to help maximize productivity and meet the challenges of modern life. EAP services are available to employees and their household members enrolled in state health plans. Areas frequently addressed by the EAP include:
- Addiction and recovery
- Child care and parenting
- Concierge and convenience services
- Emotional well-being
- Financial issues
- Helping aging parents
- Legal concerns
- Life events
- Wellness and prevention
- Work and career
COVA Care and COVA HDHP (Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield)
COVA HealthAware (Aetna)
Kaiser Permanente
Optima Health Vantage
EAP Virtual Resources
The Employee Assistance Program offers many virtual resources covering a variety of topics. These resources include informational articles, podcasts, pre-recorded webinars and much more.
Anthem: www.anthemeap.com Enter code Commonwealth of Virginia
Aetna: www.mylifevalues.com Username: COVA Password: COVA