Flower Release for TBTN

There are many good resources related to sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, and prevention and advocacy. This list is not exhaustive; however, these are some that we turn to frequently. Whether you’re looking for direct services, want to learn more, or are curious about careers in this field, these can be a good place to start.

Local Response Resources

collins-center.pngThe Collins Center is the sexual assault crisis center and Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) for Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. They serve individuals of all ages and identities who have experienced sexual violence or child sexual abuse. In addition to therapy services, prevention programming, and the CAC, they maintain a 24-hour crisis hotline and can provide advocacy and accompaniment services similar to JMU’s Survivor Advocates. (540) 432-6430

1FirstStepLogo_small.jpgFirst Step is the domestic violence shelter serving Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. They maintain a 24-hour crisis hotline and can provide advocacy and accompaniment services to people who have experienced domestic violence. They also run support groups. (540) 434-0295

JMU Title IX maintains a list of campus-based resources, including confidential resources, reporting resources, a resource guide, and FAQs. This site also outlines information about Title IX at JMU.

The JMU Counseling Center’s STEP program offers free and confidential trauma-informed counseling options for JMU students who have experienced sexual assault.

Self-Assessment Resources

seek-then-speak.jpgSeek Then Speak offers sexual assault survivors and support people a way to privately gather information and explore options for medical care, supportive services, and reporting to police (SEEK). If they choose, survivors can then begin the process of reporting to police by completing a detailed, self-guided interview (SPEAK). 

myplan-logo.pngmyPlan is an anonymous web app that guides you through safety planning if you're experiencing dating violence.

SHARP is a short self-assessment of stalking situations to help you get a “big picture” assessment of safety and risk factors in what is happening and receive safety suggestions for yourself or a friend. The tool will generate a report that you have 10 minutes to download and save for yourself; for safety and confidentiality, SHARP then deletes all reports after 10 minutes.

The NNEDV Technology Safety Toolkit contains tech-related safety tips, information, and privacy strategies for survivors of dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

General Resources
Prevention Resources

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