The white fathers told us: ‘I think, therefore I am.’ The Black mother within each of us—the poet—whispers in our dreams: ‘I feel, therefore I can be free.’ - Audre Lorde
Poetry is an art form many embrace. It has become a powerful means of resistance for marginalized groups. Black identity and womanhood intersect, prompting a compelling question: What is the essence of being both Black and a woman? Within the realm of conventional and unconventional poetry, Black women are often overlooked and neglected. Yet, they have a profound sense of what it means to be oppressed and to resist. They stand as mediators, storytellers, and resisters; reverberating with untold narratives in the form of verses that protest against the erasure of their experiences.
Curated by Furious Flower Carmen R. Gillespie Fellows Taylor Nauflett and India Williams, this exhibit will be on display from February 1 to March 31, 2024.