Organization Name:
Pacific Conference of Churches
Organization Type:
Mission Statement:
- Encourage and promote a spirit of ecumenism among the Churches in the Pacific.
- Encourage and support member Churches to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in studying and working towards the full visible unity of the one undivided Church.
- Help members evaluate their work in mission and to help them co-ordinate, organize and plan together so that wherever possible their personnel, finance and material resources can be more effectively utilized in joint action for mission.
- Encourage and promote among members a greater awareness of justice, peace, integrity of creation and human development among the people and nations of the Pacific region and the world.
- Facilitate mutual consultation on issues affecting Church relationship and other issues of common concern among the members.
- Encourage and promote active participation by members in the wider ecumenical movement.
- Be a means whereby the Churches of the Pacific can help each other and help Churches and other organizations in other parts of the world in times of natural disaster and special need, or to secure help from the Churches in the other parts of the world in times of similar natural disaster or need.
- Encourage and promote programs and disseminate information for the preaching and spreading of the Word of God.
- Undertake such co-operative activities and programs on behalf of members as the Assembly may from time to time approve.
- Encourage and promote inter-faith dialogue.
Contact Information
Full Mailing Address:
4 Thurston Street
P.O. Box 208
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Activity Detail(s)
- Humanitarian Coordination
Country(ies) of Operation
- Fiji