Operations & Programs
Image: Nicole Neitzey

Nicole Neitzey

Assistant Director

Image: Display Name only

Carolyn Firkin

Office Operations Manager

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Amy Czajkowski

Senior Manager - Programs

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Adrienne Harman-Griggs

Project and Program Specialist

Image: Letitia

Letitia Turner

Program/Financial Assistant

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Emily Irungu

Doctoral Assistant

Image: Profile Image

Rabecca Makhuwira

Graduate Assistant

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Tochukwu Emmanuel Ngwu

Graduate Intern

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Colten Reece

Student Research Assistant

Image: Profile Image

Annika Westenbroek

Student Research Assistant

Image: Heather Holsinger

Heather Bowers Holsinger

Communications and Publications Manager

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Jennifer Risser

Managing Editor

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Blake Williamson

Communications and Publications Specialist

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Sabryn Hebert

Assistant Editor

FKD Fellows
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Rachel Arthur

Frasure-Kruzel-Drew Memorial Fellow

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Catesby Ware

Frasure-Kruzel-Drew Memorial Fellow

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