Organization Name:
Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at JMU

Organization Type:

Mission Statement:

For more than a decade, CISR's staff and network of experts have served practitioners and those affected by conflict and trauma through countless personal exchanges, publications, conferences and trainings, including landmine/UXO management and peer support programs. Since 2010, CISR has expanded its areas of activity to bring innovative and reliable programs and information to more people in more ways.  This website is central to all of that growth.  Here, you can access our internationally regarded publications, management training workshops, disability rights resources, and peer-support programming.  We work with faculty, staff, and students at James Madison University to bring best practices and research to the field.

Contact Information

Full Mailing Address:

Center for International Stabilization and Recovery
James Madison University
MSC 4902
Harrisonburg, Virginia, 22807


Phone Number:

Fax Number:

Email Address:


Activity Detail(s)

  • Research and Technology

Country(ies) of Operation

  • USA

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