Conceptualizing Outcomes in SoTL – From ‘what works?’ to ‘what’s going on?’. In this interview Dr. Gary Poole, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia, suggests understanding what is going on in teaching and learning is as valuable as understanding what works. SoTL: What works? Interview with Dr. Gary Poole.
Consider a focus on process rather than outcomes. Learning from Processes vs Outcomes: an Interview with Dr. Gary Poole.
Why integrate student voices in SoTL? Center for Engaged Learning Elon University. This video argues for the transactional nature of SoTL and the importance of integrating student voices in to SoTL. It highlights how involvement in SoTL for student researchers in terms of understanding their own learning and developing their research and career skills.
SoTL Inquiry Methods Center for Engaged Learning Elon University. This website gives an overview of Inquiry Methods for SoTL. It includes a video where SoTL scholars in Arts and Humanities discuss the inquiry methods they use in their research.
What data do you need? A decision tree for consideration of potential data sources for SoTL work. The Office of the Cross Chair in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Illinois State University.
What type of evidence supports the purpose of your study? A decision tree on direct vs indirect evidence in SoTL work. The Office of the Cross Chair in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Illinois State University.
Sources, Types and Analysis of Data in SoTL. – an overview of data collection methods. The Office of the Cross Chair in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Illinois State University.
Study Design and Data Analysis in SoTL – an overview of SoTL study designs that includes brief descriptions of exemplar projects. The Office of the Cross Chair in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Illinois State University.
Instruments that can be used to Measure Student Outcomes
- Shortlidge, E., & Brownell, S. (2016). How to Assess Your CURE: A Practical Guide for Instructors of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 17(3), 399–408. Permalink -
- Jhangiani, R.S., Troisi, J.D., Fleck, B., Legg, A.M.& Hussey, H.D. (Ed.s). (2015) A compendium of scales for use in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
SoTL data sources from online Learning
How to use analytics in Canvas as a research measure
- What is New Analytics?
- New Analytics in Canvas allow you to view a range of data about student participation, for example, average weekly online participation for individual students and for the whole class. Review the information here to see what you can do with New Analytics:
- How to view New Analytics
- Enabling New Analytics in Canvas at JMU.pdf
- Make sure to enable New Analytics from the Beginning: “New Analytics report data begins on the date that New Analytics was enabled in a course. For example, if a course enabled New Analytics on October 1 and downloaded a report on October 15, the report would only include data between October 1-15.”
- How to view analytics for individual students:
- How to view and download reports in New Analytics:
- How to compare the course average data table with an assignment, section, or student filter in New Analytics?:
- How do I view weekly online activity analytics in a data table in New Analytics?:
What can ZOOM tell us about student attendance and participation?
- Attendance reports on ZOOM
- Recording ZOOM chat
- Polling in Zoom
What can WebEx tell us about student attendance and participation?
- Attendance reports in WebEx -
- Polling in WebEx -
- Tracking Attentiveness in WebEx Events. It is possible to track attentiveness in real time in WebEx Events only. You cannot download Attentiveness data.
Are they watching those videos? Using reports and quizzes in Knowmia – TechSmith Knowmia is a tool to create and import videos.
- JMU libraries – Getting started with Knowmia
- Adding quizzes to Knowmia Videos -
- Downloading quiz results in Knowmia -
- How to download video analytics. Analytics show you which users have started to watch the videos and how much of the video they have played,video%2C%20consider%20adding%20quiz%20questions.
- Resetting Knowmia data -
- Adding a conversation to a Knowmia video. In conversations, viewers can post questions and comments and answer each other’s questions. You can also annotate the video -