In alignment with SACSCOC Standard 8.2 (p. 62-75), James Madison University requires each academic degree and certificate program to submit an annual assessment report outlining their assessment practices for the previous academic or calendar year (program's choice). Most programs choose to use the defined Assessment Progress Template (APT) provided by the Center for Assessment & Research Studies as the format for submitting the required information.

The Assessment Progress Template (APT) and Rubric

The APT (template) provides guidance for the report-writing process for university assessment coordinators. The template corresponds with each section of the APT rubric. This rubric was developed to align with JMU's assessment cycle (below). Of note, quantitative scores and qualitative comments were provided to Assessment Coordinators using the rubric between 2010 and 2022. Beginning in 2023-2024, scores are no longer be assigned. The template and rubric are still available as useful tools in the process.




An assessment report must be submitted for all academic degree programs and academic certificate programs. APTs are due to the Center for Assessment & Research Studies (CARS) by June 1st annually (or the first working day in June - see Degree Program Assessment for specific dates).

Submit Your Report Here  


We understand that writing and organizing the APT can be difficult and that it may be unclear as to what exactly to include in the APT, even while using the provided template. Some program coordinators may find it helpful to view examples of high-quality APTs. Below are links to an APT example for each college. Please feel free to use these exemplar APTs to guide your own writing.  

Exemplar APTs: 

College of Education

College of Business 

College of Science and Mathematics 

College of Health and Behavioral Studies  

College of Visual and Performing Arts  

College of Arts and Letters 

Additional Resources and Forms: 

APT (template) 

APT Rubric 

General Information for Contents of Each Section of the APT  

APT Complete How-To Guide

Uploading APTs: APT System Guide for Assessment Coordinators

Reviewing and Approving APTs: APT System Guide for Departmental Heads Site

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