This is a medium sized room located on the fourth floor in the back left hand corner when exiting the elevator. It has no windows that view the hallway and it features wall-to-wall writable whiteboard surfaces. It is equipped with three projectors that project onto screens on three different walls. It can be arranged into numerous different setups. See below for setup options and maximum capacity for each setup.

Maximum Capacity: 44
Picture of classroom setup of room 4043

Maximum Capacity: 38
Picture of circle setup of room 4043

Pods of 4
Maximum Capacity: 40
Picture of 4 seat pods setup of room 4043

Pods of 6
Maximum Capacity: 42
Picture of 6 seat pods setup of room 4043

Hollow Square
Maximum Capacity: 34
Picture of hollow square setup of room 4043

Maximum Capacity: 24
Picture of u-shape setup of room 4043

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