- The intent of an information table is
- to create awareness about a subject or a topic
- to promote an upcoming event or activity
- Please note that you cannot:
- sell any goods or services
- do any kind of fundraising
- handle any form of money
- The information table is located opposite the information and guest services desk.
- Please make the information table request through Virtual EMS.
- Once you've made the request, JMU Event Management will let you know whether you will also need to complete the JMU Event Approval Form, which can be found under the "Event Forms" section of the Event Management website.
- After appropriate signatures are obtained, that form may be submitted to Student Success Center Operations on the first floor of the Student Success Center, Room 1089 or via email success.center.operations@jmu.edu. All paperwork must be turned in 2 weeks prior to the event date or the reservation will be cancelled.