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Spring 2019

National Iranian American Council

Where are you from?  Why did you choose JMU?
My hometown is Collinsville, Virginia. James Madison was highly recommended by alumni. I investigated the hype to discover they were not wrong; the university is an academic oasis (discover that for yourself).

Why did you decide to participate in Washington Semester?
I was unsure how to apply my degree after graduation. I heard about the Washington Semester and knew it was my ticket to exposure and experience.

What were the highlights of your internship?
My personal highlight was the exposure to lobbying. I connected with every single Democratic office in the party -- twice! In the process, I began to learn the nature of policy and bipartisan legislation.

What were the highlights of your Washington experience as a whole?
Growing alongside my Washington Semester cohort. From start to finish we all grew in confidence of our career aspirations. Seminar-style classes were also a great experience. After a long week at the internship, our cohort would regroup for Friday class and events. A gift unique to the Washington Semester is the ability to share the "internship life" with fellow Dukes.

What advice would you offer to future Washington Semester students?
The saying, "It's not what you know, but who you know" is the understatement of DC. Those in the program with you are invaluable friendships. Take someone with you to a networking event. You will feel far more confident and have a friend to help you connect to DC.

What are your long-term career plans?
Politics and religion (the topics to avoid with strangers, haha) are my passions. I hope to work in government relations, primarily in countries which receive U.S. aid. I aspire to hold countries accountable for religious persecution (regardless of one's faith expression) alongside bivocational Christian ministry.

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