For students admitted to the JMU Honors College

The Honors College is a vibrant and diverse community of students and faculty excited to be engaged in intellectual discovery. The Honors Living and Learning Center strongly complements the College’s mission to develop and enrich this community. The Honors Living and Learning Center provides experiences and facilities for high achieving, highly motivated, and intellectually curious students to live and work together with one another, with other Honors students, and with faculty members to explore their mutual interests in learning and discovery, promoting the intellectual culture that is at the core of the Honors College’s vision and mission. Intellectual engagement is the driving force in programming for the Honors Living and Learning Center. In addition, the Honors Living and Learning Center encourages its members to participate in leadership and service activities.

First-Year Honors Scholars will live in the Honors Living and Learning Center, which is typically housed in Shenandoah Hall.  Entering first-year Honors students are expected, but not required, to live in the Honors residence hall. Honors students who come to JMU planning to live with a non-Honors student can also live in the Honors residence hall with their non-Honors roommate.  For more information about the Honors College, please see

Note that Honors students can apply to both the Honors and Trelawny Residential Learning Communities, and will live in the Honors Learning and Living Center, which is typically housed in Shenandoah Hall.

The Honors College

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