Step 1: Complete the following online Compliance Training modules within 30 days of hire.ppciconsmall.png

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs (30 minutes)
  • Preventing Workplace Violence (30 minutes)
  • Terrorism and Security Awareness (45 minutes)
  • Workplace Dispute Resolution (30 minutes)
  • EVERFI Harrassment and Discrimination (Link will be emailed to your JMU account)

Please note: New employees will need their JMU electronic ID and password to access the online modules from HR’s Compliance Training webpage. After completing each module, you will need to take a brief quiz related to the material you just viewed in order to verify that you have met this mandatory new employee training requirement.

Step 2: Review the Faculty Handbook.

The Faculty Handbook is designed to outline the duties, rights and responsibilities of faculty members and be a guide for the relationship between the faculty members and the university.


If you have questions, please feel to contact Human Resources at 540/568-6165.

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