What is job classification?

All full-time classified positions and non-student wage positions are broken down into occupational families and then career groups and, lastly, to roles. This structure helps to group similar positions based upon the type of work performed and then to further distinguish into various roles, within different pay bands, based on complexity, results and accountability. The levels of complexity, results and accountability are determined by the position description. Job classification is indicated by the state role title (ex: Trades Tech I, Electronic Technicians III, Administrative Office Specialist III, etc.). For a list of career groups, click here.

The Classification or allocation factors used in Virginia are as follows:

  1. Complexity of Work: This factor describes the nature of work in terms of resources (e.g., machines, manuals, guidelines and forms) used or encountered and the processes applied. This factor takes into account the number and variety of variables considered, the depth and breadth of activity and the originality exercised.
  • Difficulty - The relative character of the work process and the corresponding, thinking, analysis and judgment required of the employee while doing the work.
  • Scope and Range of Assignments - The breadth and variety of the employee's assignments.
  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities - The level of information, experience and qualifications needed by the employee in order to perform the assigned duties.
  • Nature of Contacts - The extent of the employee's human interactions within and/or outside the organization in terms of both frequency and the depth of information exchanged.
  1. Results: This factor describes the work outcomes and the range and impact of effects, such as the benefit or harm to citizens, the gain or loss of resources and the goodwill created.
  • Impact - The range of people, things, and organizations directly affected by the employee.
  • Effect of Services - The extent to which decisions and work products made by the employee affect the level of service, quality of work, welfare of constituents, the organization's image and cost of operations.
  • Consequence of Error - The potential costs of the employee's mistakes in terms of financial and human costs, efficiency, morale, physical maintenance and image.
  1. Accountability: This factor describes the employee's responsibility or authority exercised in terms of guidance given to fellow workers, independence and autonomy of functioning and finality of decisions made.
  • Leadership - The level of control the employee has over resources such as people, functions, facilities and budget.
  • Judgment and Decision-making - The types and kinds of decisions made by the employee and the finality of these decisions and actions taken.
  • Independence of Action - Latitude or freedom of action exercised by the employee.

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