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HR Communications

We want you to be connected and informed:

  • HR’s website is filled with information for your employment satisfaction
  • You will receive emails with a link to view your monthly HR Update, an employee-centered, electronic newsletter
  • Join the conversation on Twitter @JMUJobs
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • If you are an administrative assistant or administrator, send a request to to join the HR Alerts for Admins ListServ to receive timely announcements and need to know information
  • New employees are automatically added to the New Employee ListServ; one of many ways Human Resources provides you with JMU community information beyond what you may have already learned and experienced through HR’s Dukes at Work onboarding program

Wondering who to call with specific questions? See Services We Provide for a list of HR services provided and the primary contact person for that service.

Wage Staff Handbook Questions, Comments, or Updates


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