James Madison University strives to provide all employees with a working environment that is free from recognized health or safety hazards. JMU’s Office of Public Safety strives to improve the quality of life of those we serve by developing partnerships with the university community, so that together we can effectively address issues and concerns. Our primary goal is to maintain a secure environment with equal protection under the law and to provide dedicated service for all persons living, working, and visiting the university.
The James Madison University Police Department has received accreditation from the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission after an in-depth review of every aspect of the agency’s organization, management, operations, and administration to assure the highest standards are practiced. JMU Police have the authority to enforce all regulations and laws, both of the university and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, along with federal statutes within their jurisdiction, which includes all university-owned, -leased or -controlled property, and the adjacent streets and sidewalks. The JMU Police Department has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Harrisonburg Police Department that allows duly sworn, on-duty officers employed by the James Madison University Police Department jurisdiction to enforce city ordinances, along with laws within the city limits of Harrisonburg. Four patrol officers and a sergeant are also members of the Harrisonburg/JMU Joint Patrol Task Force, which augment the Harrisonburg Police Department in the surrounding off-campus student housing areas adjacent to campus.
JMU police officers are graduates of state-affiliated regional criminal justice training academies and are required to complete 40 hours of in-service training biennially. All are certified by the State Department of Criminal Justice Services as police officers and are trained in all phases of law enforcement, including the use of firearms. Officers carry standard issue or approved firearms at all times and must maintain firearms proficiency through semiannual classroom training, qualification and certification at the firing range.
The JMU Police Department utilizes Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in the field. All sworn personnel within the department have been trained on the proper use of AEDs and basic life-support techniques (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation - CPR).
JMU police officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Upon notification of a criminal activity, emergency, or request for assistance, the James Madison University Police Department has the responsibility of responding to and summoning the necessary resources to assist, mitigate, investigate, and document the incident. The call will initiate a response from the JMU Police Department, immediate or otherwise, as dictated by the nature of the incident. The responding officer will assess the reported incident and will arrange for necessary resources to include, but not be limited to, crime investigation, victim services, medical services or the utilization of other available resources. Criminal actions will be thoroughly documented in an appropriate report. Investigators handle reported cases that require in-depth follow-up.
All crimes or emergencies that occur on the campus of JMU should be reported to the JMU Police through the communications unit for response and documentation. This can be done in person at Anthony-Seeger Hall or by telephone. The on-campus emergency number, 540-568-6911, directly connects to the JMU Police Department and should be used when fire, police or medical response is required. It should be noted that when using a mobile telephone to call university police, callers should dial 540-568-6911, as dialing 9-1-1 directly may route them to another agency. If you should be routed to another agency, you need to advise them of your specific location at James Madison University, so that they may relay this information to the JMU Police Department communications center. The police department also utilizes another emergency number 540-442-6911 that can be accessed if the JMU telephone network becomes disabled. For information, escort services and other non-emergencies, students and employees should dial 540-568-6913. Emergency telephones are located across campus to include parking lots and other remote areas. These telephones are housed in highly visible yellow call boxes and feature one-button speed dialing for instant communication with the JMU Police with the location of the activated telephone automatically identified to the police communications staff. The JMU Police Communications Center can also be reached directly using the LiveSafe App. Information on the LiveSafe App can be found at http://www.jmu.edu/publicsafety/resources_livesafe.shtml. It can be downloaded onto a smart phone and allows users to share information, tips, and safety concerns with police via text messaging, including picture, video, and audio attachments, or even through live chat. Stay anonymous anytime, or send your caller ID and location to police immediately when you call or message for help, allowing faster response times.
If you feel that a crime has been committed against you, you have witnessed a crime in progress, or that you have information about a crime that has occurred, please contact the JMU Police Department. All members of the JMU community are instructed to notify the JMU police of any situation or incident on or near campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may pose an immediate or on-going threat to the health and safety of students, staff and visitors to the campus.
The Office of Public Safety website located at http://www.jmu.edu/publicsafety/index.shtml provides information on crime prevention, emergency notification procedures, and emergencies such as hostile intruders and suspicious packages and provides links to other resources.
The JMU Police Department is responsible for compiling the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the most recent three-year period of reported crimes, including “hate” motivated crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by JMU or its affiliates, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report also includes information regarding the law enforcement authority of the university police; means of immediate notification of students and staff upon confirmation of a significant emergency on campus; protocols for students missing more than 24 hours, including voluntary student contact information in cases where the student is missing along with missing person investigation procedures; policies concerning campus security, information on crime prevention, alcohol and drug use, sexual assault, the state sex offender registry and the reporting of any crimes that may occur on the campus. The report also includes campus housing fire statistics for the most recent three-year period; a description of each on-campus student housing facility fire safety system; the number of fire drills held during the previous calendar year; policies or rules on portable electrical appliances, smoking, and open flames in student housing; procedures for student housing evacuation in the event of fire; policies regarding fire safety education and training programs provided to the students, faculty, and staff; procedures that students and employees should follow in the case of a fire; a list of the titles of each person or organization to which students and employees should report that a fire occurred; and plans deemed necessary for future improvements in fire safety.
A copy of the JMU Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for the Harrisonburg campus also includes the three overseas branch campuses: Florence, Antwerp, and London. It is available upon request. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Office of Public Safety, MSC 6810, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 or request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 540-568-6769 or 540-568-6913. This information is also available electronically by clicking on the “Your Right to Know” link http://www.jmu.edu/publicsafety/clerycompliance/righttoknow.shtml
Although JMU works hard to ensure the safety of all individuals within its community, each individual must also take responsibility for their own personal safety and that of their personal belongings. Our goal is a campus community that is informed, aware, and alert; all sharing the responsibility of making the JMU campus a safe place to study, work and live.