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Employee Mediation Services 

Mediation is a process that is designed to encourage open conversation and understanding between parties. Each participants is encouraged to have open and honest discussion, determine and clarify issues, and cooperatively establish steps towards achieving positive outcomes.

Some examples of common issues for mediation include:

  • Conflict with a supervisor or co-worker
  • Issues surrounding a grievance
  • Communication difficulties

Visit JMU's Employee Mediation Services website to learn more about mediation and conflict resolution techniques.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Unit - Department of Human Resource Management

In promoting transformation, creativity, and engagement, DEI:

  • Consults and advises both employees and state government agencies in the areas of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Diversity, and Inclusion.
  • Investigates complaints of workplace discrimination
  • Reviews and analyzes workforce data to identify workplace barriers
  • Coordinates cultural observances and outreach events
  • Provides training on such issues as EEO Compliance, Civility, Workplace Harassment, Cultural Competence, Unconscious Bias, and Diversity Management.

Office of Employment Dispute Resolution (EDR)

The Office of Employment Dispute Resolution in Richmond, Virginia is another resource for employees concerning work-related problems and provides a number of resolution tools to address workplace conflicts constructively.


What should I do if I suspect fraud, theft, waste or abuse? 

As Commonwealth of Virginia employees, we are expected to maintain the highest level of ethics and principles in state government.

Michael Westfall, CPA

State Inspector General 

According to University Policy 1603, upon the discovery of circumstances that suggest that a fraudulent transaction may have occurred, it is the responsibility of university employees and students to immediately notify the Director of Audit and Management Services. Upon such notification, the director will ensure that the appropriate vice president and the president are informed of the questionable transaction or specific event. Fraudulent transactions can include, but are not limited to, the following prohibited acts: 

  • embezzlement
  • forgery, falsification or alteration of documents (e.g., timesheets, leave reports, travel vouchers, etc.)
  • unauthorized use of university property or resources
  • unauthorized access to (or misuse of) computer systems or equipment
  • charging personal purchases to the university
  • unauthorized use of university employees

University employees and students are also encouraged to report instances of waste or abuse to Audit and Management Services. 

University employees (including student employees) and citizens of the Commonwealth may also anonymously report suspicious activities to the State Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline, maintained by the Office of the State Inspector General (OSIG), by calling 1-800-723-1615 or submitting an online complaint form. In addition, employees and citizens may report information to OSIG under the Whistle Blower Protection Act (WBPA) program and be eligible for a reward. However, anonymity and confidentiality are not guaranteed when filing a claim under the WBPA. Audit and Management Services may be required to investigate these activities and report findings to OSIG. 

The university will not discharge, threaten, or otherwise discriminate or retaliate against a whistle blower who discloses information about suspected wrongdoing or abuse in good faith and upon a reasonable belief that the information is accurate. However, disclosures that are reckless or that the employee knew or should have known were false, confidential by law, or malicious will not be considered good faith reports and will not be protected.



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