Conflicts of Interest

In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 8, university employees required to disclose include the president, vice presidents, provosts, deans, and any other persons as designated by the institution including those persons with approval authority over contracts or audits.

The Ethics Council and JMU’s Conflict of Interests Agency Coordinator electronically notify employees who have been designated to file a Statement of Economic Interest. 

Currently, approximately 110 employees are required to file Statements of Economic Interests.

On or before the effective date of assuming employment and then annually on or before February 1.

Leigh Ann Bowles,, 540/568-6432, is JMU’s Conflict of Interests Agency Coordinator and is the Strategic Initiatives and Communications Specialist within the Division of Administration and Finance. Questions about the filing process may be directed to her.

The Council is tasked with providing training and guidance as well as formal advisory opinions to those required to comply with the above laws, facilitating the timely and accurate electronic filing of disclosure reports, and approving travel waivers for individuals requesting the receipt of travel payments by third party groups.

Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council Contact Information

Statement of Economic Interests forms are filed online via the Conflict of Interest Disclosure System, which is managed by the Ethics Council. State filers must submit their disclosures electronically. 

Information pertaining to real estate, business interests, gifts, travel, liabilities, directorships and other matters. 

Any person who does not file or who knowingly files the Statement of Economic Interests form inaccurately may be charged with a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Failure to file by the deadline may result in a $250 civil penalty. Any person who knowingly files the form inaccurately may also be dismissed from employment.

Yes, for a period of no less than five years.

Yes, completion of the Ethics Council’s online orientation course is mandatory within 60 days of employment and every two years of employment thereafter.

Upon hire, you will contacted by JMU’s Conflict of Interests agency coordinator with instructions on how to access the online orientation course.  Additionally, Policy 1106-Conflict of Interests is one of the policies summarized in the Policy Summary Acknowledgement (PSA).


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