For a complete list of duties and responsibilities for our Leadership Group, please click the button below.

Dean's Leadership Group Duties

Deans and Directors
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Samantha Bates Prins

CSM Dean; Professor, Statistics

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Steven Whitmeyer

Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship, CSM; Professor, Geology

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Mindy Capaldi

Associate Dean for Faculty Support & Development

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Brycelyn Boardman

Assistant Dean, CSM; Assistant Department Head; Professor, Chemistry

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Kerry Cresawn

STEM Center Director

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Courtney Hope

Student Success Coordinator and Inclusive Excellence Director

Staff Specialists
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Bree Emurian

Executive Admin Assistant

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Brittany Higgs

Communications and Marketing

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Jessica Garmer

Grant Administrator

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Lynelle Bush

Grant Administrator

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Allisa Vincent

Industry Liaison

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Ralph Rich

STEM Outreach Administration Assistant

Technical Support
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Derek Buchanan

CSM and Math & Statistics Scientific Computing Specialist

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Thomas Finnegan

CSM and GES Scientific Computing Support

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Luther Brefo

Biology Scientific Computing Specialist

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Jack Garmer

HPC & Server Administrator

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Winston Shifflett

Chemistry Scientific Computing Specialist

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