Student Assistantships

*All positions currently filled.

Student Assistants in the MSME Department are undergraduate positions that offer support to faculty and the MSME Office by completing tasks such as:

  • making copies,
  • creating graphics for office and social media use,
  • answering the office telephone,
  • assisting faculty with teaching, scholarship, and service-related projects.

Strong applicants are professional, teachable, willing to learn new or strengthen old skills, and have well-developed attention to detail and time management skills.

Position Description


Review of applications for positions for each upcoming Academic Year begins March 1.

If interested, complete the application and submit to the MSME Department for consideration should a position open.

Graduate Assistantships

*Currently accepting applications for Spring 2025 and Fall 2024 Graduate Assistantships.

Graduate Assistants in the MSME Department are graduate positions that primarily support MSME faculty with completing tasks such as:

  • preparing for instruction,
  • grading coursework,
  • conducting research,
  • answering the MSME Office telephone

Strong applicants are professional, teachable, willing to learn new or strengthen old skills, and have well-developed attention to detail and time management skills.

Applicants are hired for one semester and must reapply to be considered for a second semester as their graduate program permits.


More Information on JMU Graduate Assistantships


Review of applications for Spring positions beings October 1.

Review of applications for Fall positions begins March 1.

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