
Note: This workshop is capped at 18 participants. You may choose to view the content on your own by going to this link:

Total Workshop Time: 1.5 Hours

Pre-requisites: None


This workshop provides an introduction to green office best practices. Participants will view five short online video modules and then complete an online, self-guided work-sheet to develop goals and plans for their workspaces. Modules 1-5, The Big Picture, Water, Energy, the 6Rs, and Purchasing/Procurement, were created by Dr. Maria Papadakis and Dr. Jennifer Coffman, faculty members in the Department of Integrated Science and Technology and discuss the principles of being more sustainable in the workplace. Module 7 outlines the JMU policies and procedures related to sustainability and was developed with contributions from personnel in multiple units. (Module 6, "Next Steps," is optional but recommended.) Amanda Bodle from the Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World (ISNW) will facilitate.

View the content on your own by going to this link or view the online materials in the IT Training Center lab. Either way, learn more about greening your workspace and satisfy the requirement for both the AACP and the Greening Your Workspace Recognition Program.

Facilitated by: Amanda Bodle, Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World (ISNW)

Workshop Classifications

Level: Fundamental

Type: Single Session

Competency: Administrative Skills

Series: Administrative Assistants Certificate Program

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