
Note: A minimum pre-registration of 15 participants is required for this workshop to be facilitated as scheduled.

Total Workshop Time: 1.5 Hours

Pre-requisites: None


Good leaders are always trying to improve. Controlling and expressing our emotional reactions- as well as reading others' emotions- has become a critical asset in today's world, not to mention EQ's performance-optimizing advantages. Learning about emotional intelligence, or EQ, is one thing, but actually being able to apply it is another.

In this workshop, become more familiar with the importance of emotional intelligence in leaders and learn the Six Seconds EQ Model, a practical three-step process to become a more effective leader by engaging your own emotions and those of your team. You will leave knowing more about your own EQ and with practical knowledge on how to keep increasing it.

Participants will:

  • Increase knowledge surrounding emotional intelligence.
  • Relate the three steps of Emotional Intelligence in Action to personal life experiences.
  • Reflect on key qualities and characteristics an emotional leader should possess.
  • Identify EQ areas to keep working on.

Type of Information: Receiving data and practice

Level of Interaction: Pair and table sharing

Extent of Practice: Scenarios and activities

Facilitated by: Jules Myers, Professional Development Specialist,Talent Development

Workshop Classifications

Type: Single Session

Level: Fundamental

Competency: Leadership

Series: New for 2021

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