College of Business, Sponsor
MaryAnne Harmon, Artist
Located in Showker Hall
Zane, the CoB Duke Dog, named for Zane D. Showker, benefactor to the College of Business, lives on the sixth floor of Showker Hall.
Designed by artist Mary Anne Harmon, Zane sports a navy blue, pinstriped suit with white French cuffs and gold cuff links under his royal black cape trimmed in gold.
His regal crown displays the CoB logo and numerous international currency symbols, which represent the College of Business' vision for global connectivity between our students and the international business community.
The College of Business endeavors to bring the best of the world to the classroom and to expand the classroom into the world. In his mouth Zane carries a scroll inscribed with the top recruiters to the College of Business, a list that includes some of the most prestigious business firms in the world.