In 2013, a group of daring women decided to transform their love for Madison into a new mission. Together, they started a first-of-its-kind giving society at JMU, now known as The Amethyst Circle. Harnessing the collective power of women’s philanthropy, these leaders raised more than $1 million for scholarships — and they will repeat this feat every two years.

Read their stories to find out why they want to bridge the opportunity gap for deserving students. Then, join these visionaries by pledging $2,500 to fund scholarships and fulfill your commitment by May 31, 2025.

Join the Amethyst Circle

“This group of women is not afraid to aim big, to do something different. That resonates with me. As a teacher, as a mom, as a JMU grad, it’s like: yes, I need to do this.”

—Veronica Jennings (’84), Amethyst Circle Founder

Your impact
  • Transform Dukes’ lives by providing renewable scholarships.
  • Strengthen JMU’s student recruiting potential.
  • Increase opportunities for JMU to receive funding from agencies who look first to see how many students with financial need we are already helping.
  • Support women’s programming to further build women’s philanthropy.
Your benefits
  • Network with other Amethyst Circle members.
  • Shape The Amethyst Circle experience and additional benefits.
  • Build women’s philanthropy at JMU and influence how women can collaborate to make a difference at the university.
  • Meet JMU Amethyst Circle scholarship recipients.
  • Celebrate our Amethyst Circle success at the 2025 Women for Madison Summit.

Celebrating Women • Supporting Students • Sustaining JMU

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