Be licensed to teach social studies in an intense four-year program!  Then, if you want, hone your skills and knowledge with an optional Fifth-Year Masters.  Or come back for more after you've taught for a few years.

Double Major in either History or Political Science AND Secondary Education

Minor in Social Studies

Make sure you apply to the College of Education by your sophomore year.

Checksheet for History Majors

Political Science Majors should contact Dr. Hulsey (

Secondary Education Major

Note: If you want to do the B.A. requirements, put history or political science as your first major, and secondary education as your second major.  If you want to do the B.S. requirments, put secondary education as your first major, and history or political science as your second major.  The programs are otherwise identical.

Note as well: The catalog/mymadison is NOT correct for the four year program.  That will be remedied as soon as we can.  For now, check with your advisers, and follow the checksheets.





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