To access contact information and detailed research portfolios for the faculty members below, please click on each individual's name or picture.

Stephen Leslie
Professor, Department Head

Yonathan Admassu
Associate Professor, Engineering Geology

Steve Baedke
Professor, Geochemistry; IDLS Coordinator: Math, Science, & Technology

Scott Eaton
Professor, Geomorphology

Chiara Elmi
Associate Professor, Mineralogy

Lynn Fichter
Professor, Stratigraphy & Paleontology

Angel Garcia
Assistant Professor, Ethnogeology & Karst Science

John Haynes
Professor, Sedimentary Petrology; Research Associate, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Elizabeth Johnson
Professor, Geochemistry; JMU Mineral Museum Collections Curator

Bill Lukens
Assistant Professor, Paleoclimate & Sedimentology

Shane McGary
Associate Professor, Geophysics

Kirsty McKenzie
Assistant Professor, Tectonics

Eric Pyle
Professor, Geoscience Education; Education & Outreach Curator, JMU Mineral Museum

Kristen St. John
Professor, Paleoceanography & Geoscience Education

Shelley Whitmeyer
Assistant Professor, Coastal Processes & GIS

Steven Whitmeyer
Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship, CSM; Professor, Geology

Dhanuska Wijesinghe
Assistant Professor, Soil Science, Stormwater, & GIS

Matthew Heller

Chris Kaznosky

Susie Shomo

Thomas Finnegan
CSM and GES Scientific Computing Support

Ron Phillips
Lab Manager

Whitney Sites
Office Manager

Cynthia Kearns
Professor Emeritus

Lance Kearns
Professor Emeritus

Gene Robinson
Professor Emeritus

Stan Ulanski
Professor Emeritus