What else does JMU have that can help?
Youth Programs at JMU
Expanding Your Horizons - Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) is a one-day math and science conference for girls in grades 6-10. The girls participate in exciting, hands-on workshops organized by JMU faculty, attend science presentations and demonstrations, and interact with JMU students who are studying math and science. The goals of the conference are to stimulate the participants' interest in math and science through these hands-on activities, to provide them with female scientist role models, and to foster awareness of opportunities in math and science-related careers.
Middle School Leadership Academy - The JMU Middle School Leadership Academy (MSLA) is a week long summer program for rising 7th and 8th graders from our partner PIR Middle Schools to live and learn on a college campus. Students nominated by their teachers and guidance counselors receive a personal invitation and Leadership Academy application packet. Successful applicants are awarded a full academy scholarship covering room and board, transportation, field trips, and programming.
College for Kids - College for Kids is an enrichment program for children in grades 1-8. Children will work with James Madison University faculty and graduate students, as well as experts from the community and surrounding area, to try new things, explore and discover talents they never knew they had!
Middle School Visitation Program - The Board of Education included in its 2009 revisions to the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia, (8 VAC-20-131-5 et seq) provisions for each middle and high school student to have a personal learning plan that aligns academic and career goals with the student’s course of study. Virginia Department of Education Academic and Career Plan. The implementation of this provision resulted in an unprecedented number of requests for campus visits to James Madison University by Virginia Middle Schools. Initially handled by the JMU Admissions Department, the middle school visit requests soon overtook their capacity and resources available for high school visits and scheduled family tours.
Summer Honors Institute - The JMU Summer Honors Institute is a unique week-long program where talented rising high school seniors get a first-hand look at life in a dynamic university and its Honors College.