Gain real world experience in a professional forum and learn the fundamentals of investments and basics of financial theory, while fulfilling the fiduciary duties associated with diligent portfolio management. The Madison Investment Fund (MIF) is a student-led investment fund at James Madison University and serves as an outside money manager to the James Madison University Foundation.
The Fund has a dual purpose to not only serve as a portfolio manager, but also provide the College of Business with an invaluable educational opportunity for students that are passionate about investing and the financial markets. Together, the Fund’s Management Committee and faculty advisory are focused on key objectives that include: fulfilling the Fund’s fiduciary duty, enhancing educational opportunities, broadening financial knowledge, developing core values and professional skill sets, introducing possible career paths, connecting members and alumni, promoting citizenship and philanthropy, and optimizing the MIF experiences.
Interested in learning more about MIF? Attend a MIF networking event in the fall to get a feel for what it is like to be an analyst in the fund, to meet and network with current members, and to learn how to submit your application. Prospective members are encouraged to attend as many of the events as possible.
Aimed at mirroring the recruitment procedures of many Wall Street firms, MIF membership involves several steps. The semester long process includes two weeks of networking events, an application, a “super-day” interview, and an intern process, which includes a multitude of training sessions, collaborative teamwork, and pitch construction.
There is not a minimum or maximum on how many analysts the fund is allowed to take each year. As such, MIF selects its analysts based on an undisputed passion for investing and the financial markets, disciplined work-ethic, and an ability to cohesively work within a team.
To learn more about MIF, visit their website.
Quick Facts
- The MIF manages ~500,000 assets under management
- Alumni Network of over 300
- Work with a Board of Directors consisting of successful MIF alumni and Stakeholders in a wide range of industries
- Recruited by the top firms on Wall Street and the Big 4 Accounting Firms:
- Goldman Sachs
- Citi Bank
- Credit Suisse
- Deloitte
- Bank of America
- Capital One
- Deutsche Bank
- Nationally recognized as one of the top student-led investment funds in the country
- Members have been interviewed live on CNBC as part of the fund
- Present the portfolio to the JMU Foundation annually
Community Outreach
Aside from portfolio management duties, the MIF actively participates and sponsors community outreach events for members of the JMU, College of Business, and Harrisonburg communities.
For the JMU and COB community, the MIF regularly sponsors presentations about careers in finance, current events in the global economy, financial education, and skill set development.
For the Harrisonburg and greater Virginia community, the MIF is actively involved in local elementary, middle, and high schools teaching students about the basics of investing and personal finance through things such as The Stock Market Game.
Through individual donations and university sponsored philanthropy events the MIF actively supports organizations such as St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, The Boys & Girls Club, and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundations.