Teaching communities encompass a range of configurations and styles of engagement in which faculty empower faculty in extended dialogue, inquiry, and discovery around a topic of common concern, interest, or relevance to the community participants. There are several types of faculty communities on teaching of varying scope, scale, and intensity:
Reading Groups
Reading Groups bring faculty from multiple disciplines together to discuss articles, books, or other written resources related to higher education. The materials are selected by either the faculty group or the CFI, as connected to broader trends or initiatives.
Faculty Interest Groups (FIGs)
Faculty Interest Groups (FIGs) create an informal forum for learning and dialogue related to topics proposed by faculty. FIGs are faculty driven and meet identified needs of JMU instructional faculty. The CFI assists with publicizing the FIG, facilitating registration, and securing meeting space as needed. FIGs provide faculty with opportunities for networking and forming cross-disciplinary connections related to topics of mutual interest.
At any point during the academic year, a JMU faculty member can propose a FIG related to a teaching, scholarship, or career development interest.
Use the button below to propose a FIG.
FIG Proposal
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Madison Fellows
The Madison Fellows Program in Teaching provides an opportunity for faculty from across all academic disciplines to focus on a sustained inquiry and exchange around a timely issue, trend, or topic related to teaching.
Click here for more information about Madison Fellows for Teaching.