Faculty Associate
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Program Director and Advisor, Coaching Minor
Lori Gano-Overway is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and the Director and Advisor for the Coaching Education minor. Prior to JMU, she fulfilled a similar role at Bridgewater College. Lori completed her undergraduate degree at Hope College majoring in business administration and psychology and her M.S. in Sport Psychology at Purdue University. She continued her studies, completing a Ph.D. at Michigan State University while being a graduate assistant at the Institute for the Study of Youth Sport.
Research area:
Dr. Gano-Overway’s research interest is in exploring how the social psychological climate and coaching practices can be structured to provide positive experiences for young people and foster positive youth development. Additionally, she explores how to create coach education and coach development programs to improve coach learning.
Undergraduate teaching area:
- Coaching education
- Exercise science